Top 77 folk rock songs in G Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 folk rock songs in G Major key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Indigo Girls - Dead Man's Hill (G3-G4)
76 Indigo Girls - Closer To Fine (G3-G4)
75 Indigo Girls - Cedar Tree (D4-D5)
74 Indigo Girls - Andy (B3-B4)
73 Indigo Girls - Airplane (G3-C5)
72 Hootie & the Blowfish - Innocence (D4-D5)
71 Harry Styles - Sweet Creature (G3-B4)
70 Grateful Dead - Uncle John's Band (B2-E4)
69 Grateful Dead - Ripple (B2-C4)
68 Grateful Dead - Me and My Uncle (D3-G4)
67 Grateful Dead - Lazy River Road (G2-F4)
66 Grateful Dead - Friend of the Devil (D3-C6)
65 Grateful Dead - Cumberland Blues (D3-G4)
64 Grateful Dead - Crazy Fingers (F3-F#4)
63 Grateful Dead - China Cat Sunflower (D3-C5)
62 Grateful Dead - Box of Rain (D3-F#4)
61 Gram Parsons - Blue Eyes (D3-D4)
60 Gram Parsons - 100 Years From Now (C3-D4)
59 Gordon Lightfoot - The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald (E2-B5)
58 Gordon Lightfoot - If You Could Read My Mind (G2-B3)
57 Gordon Lightfoot - Did She Mention My Name (B2-C4)
56 Gordon Lightfoot - Cold on the Shoulder (G2-B3)
55 Gordon Lightfoot - Bend in the Water (D3-D4)
54 Gerry Rafferty - Get It Right Next Time (G3-D4)
53 George Harrison - Wake Up My Love (G3-A4)
52 George Harrison - Isn't It a Pity (D3-A4)
51 Foreigner - Hot Blooded (A3-D5)
50 Fleetwood Mac - Never Going Back Again (D4-B5)
49 Fleet Foxes - Oliver James (F#3-G4)
48 Fleet Foxes - Meadowlarks (D3-F4)
47 Fairport Convention - Tale In Hard Time (C4-B5)
46 Fairport Convention - Sloth (D4-D5)
45 Emmylou Harris - Sin City (G3-B5)
44 Donovan - Hurdy Gurdy Man (B2-G3)
43 Donovan - Celia of the Seals (D3-D4)
42 Don McLean - Crossroads (B2-D4)
41 Dogfight - Pretty Funny (G3-E5)
40 Crosby Stills Nash & Young - Our House (B2-E4)
39 Crosby Stills & Nash - Helplessly Hoping (G2-G4)
38 Crazy Horse - Unknown Legend (B2-E4)
37 Crazy Horse - Mother Earth (D3-D4)
36 Crazy Horse - Mansion on the Hill (E3-G4)
35 Crazy Horse - Love and Only Love (E3-G4)
34 Crazy Horse - From Hank To Hendrix (E3-F4)
33 Crazy Horse - Days That Used To Be (G3-G4)
32 Cat Stevens - Here Comes My Baby (F#3-E4)
31 Buffalo Springfield - Sit Down, I Think I Love You (F#4-F#5)
30 Buffalo Springfield - Round and Round and Round (E4-A5)
29 Buffalo Springfield - Go and Say Goodbye (G4-F#5)
27 Buffalo Springfield - Broken Arrow (D4-A5)
26 Bruce Springsteen - The Hitter (G2-G4)
25 Bruce Springsteen - Atlantic City (D3-D6)
24 Bob Dylan - You're a Big Girl Now (D3-G4)
23 Bob Dylan - You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (G2-B3)
22 Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin' (G3-D4)
21 Bob Dylan - Something There Is About You (F#3-G4)
20 Bob Dylan - Most Likely You Go Your Way (and I'll Go Mine) (E3-E4)
19 Bob Dylan - Knockin' on Heaven's Door (D3-D4)
18 Bob Dylan - Idiot Wind (G3-G4)
16 Blues Traveler - Run Around (G3-A4)
15 Ben Harper feat. Jack Johnson - Yard Sale (F#3-D5)
14 Barry McGuire - Sloop John B. (D3-D4)
13 Aretha Franklin - Groovin' (A3-D5)
11 America - Only In Your Heart (B2-G4)
10 America - Daisy Jane (D3-E4)
9 The Beatles - Yellow Submarine (D3-E4)
8 The Beatles - Act Naturally (G2-E4)
6 Sonny & Cher - All I Ever Need Is You (D4-G5)
5 Joni Mitchell - He Comes for Conversation (G3-D5)
4 Indigo Girls - Power of Two (G4-C6)
3 Don McLean - Empty Chairs (D3-E4)
2 Jackson Browne - The Load-Out (D3-G4)
1 First Aid Kit - Emmylou (G3-D5)