Top 77 americana songs in F Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 americana songs in F Major key, based on the votes of 52000 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 - The Gentle Shepherd (C4-F5)
76 - The Crawdad Song (C4-D5)
75 - The Beauty of Limerick (C4-F5)
74 - Thanksgiving [Draft] (F4-G5)
73 - Thanksgiving (F4-F5)
72 - Sweet Mary Ann (C4-F5)
71 - Sorrow's Tear L.M. (C#3-F4)
70 - Sons of Temperance (C4-F5)
69 - Skip To My Lou (E4-C5)
68 Shelby Lynne - Leavin' (A3-Bb4)
67 - Scotland (G4-F5)
66 Ryan Adams - Wish You Were Here (D3-G4)
65 - Rotation Blues (C4-A5)
64 Reilly and the 400 - Taking In the Town (D4-F5)
63 - Railroad Bill (C4-C5)
62 Pete - Massa's Wedding Night (F4-G5)
61 Old Lavender - Poverty's Tears Ebb and Flow (C4-F5)
60 Notoriety - Out on a College Rah! Rah! (C3-F4)
59 - Newington P.M (A2-C4)
58 Mulligans' Silver Wedding - Wheel the Baby Out (F4-G5)
57 Mulligan's Silver Wedding - South Fifth Avenue (D3-G#4)
56 - Morning (F4-F5)
55 Mordecai Lyons - When the Clock in the Tower Strikes Twelve (F3-F4)
54 Mordecai Lyons - Cash! Cash! Cash! (C3-G4)
53 - Montague (G4-F5)
52 Moedecai Lyons - She Lives on Murray Hill (C#3-G4)
51 Miranda Lambert - Over You (F3-A4)
50 Miranda Lambert - Little Red Wagon (F3-A4)
49 Michael English - Regimental Drummer (C3-A#4)
48 McNooney's Visit - Ho! Molly Grogan! (C3-F4)
47 McNooney's Visit - Have One with Me? (C3-F4)
46 Marty Malone - The Pride of the London Stage (C3-F4)
45 Marty Malone - Sweet Mary Mullane (C3-F4)
44 - Man of Constant Sorrow (F4-C5)
43 - Lyme (F4-G5)
42 - Little Birdie (C4-A4)
41 - Liberty Tree (C4-F5)
40 Josh Turner - She'll Go on You (A2-E4)
39 John Prine - That's the Way the World Goes 'Round (D3-D4)
38 Johnny Tremain - Johnny Tremain (C3-D4)
37 Johnny Horton - Sink the Bismarck! (C3-D4)
36 - John Hardy (C4-Eb5)
35 John Berry - Last Waltz for Dixie (C3-C6)
34 Jay Althouse - Down in the Valley to Pray (A2-D4)
33 Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - If We Were Vampires (C3-F4)
32 Investigation - On Union Square (C3-G4)
31 Investigation - Hello! Bab-By (C3-G4)
30 - In Flanders Fields the Poppies Grow (D4-E5)
29 - I Bought Me a Cat (C4-D5)
28 - Hound Dawg Song (F4-C5)
27 Groundhog Day - Pennsylvania Polka (C3-E4)
26 - Ground Hog (C4-C5)
25 - Gratitude (G4-G5)
24 GENTRI - God Bless the U.S.A. (F3-A4)
23 - Dublin (F4-F5)
22 - Douglas S.M. (D3-F4)
21 - Does the Spearmint Lose Its Flavor (F4-F5)
20 - Divine Love L.M. (F3-G4)
19 Dave Barnes - Nothing Fancy (D#3-F4)
18 Dave Barnes - Home (F3-F4)
17 Dan's Tribulations - Cobwebs on the Wall (C3-G4)
16 - Cumberland Gap (C4-D5)
15 - Cotton Eye Joe (C4-A4)
14 - Cotton-Eyed Joe (C4-D5)
12 Cordelia's Aspirations - Just Across from Jersey (F4-G5)
11 - Condescension (F4-D5)
10 - Captain O'Blunder (E4-A5)
9 Brothers Osborne - Stay a Little Longer (C3-D4)
8 - Bristol (F4-G5)
7 - Armenia P.M. (F2-C4)
6 - America L.M. (A2-C4)
5 - A Hunting Song (E4-G5)
4 Little Johnny Jones - The Yankee Doodle Boy (C3-F4)
3 Josh Turner - Why Don't We Just Dance (F2-D4)
2 - Semper Paratus (Always Ready) (C4-D5)
1 Irving Berlin - God Bless America (C3-D4)