Top 77 alternative ccm songs in F Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 alternative ccm songs in F Major key, based on the votes of 53761 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Shawn McDonald - Beautiful (C3-G4)
76 Sara Groves - The Word (F3-A4)
75 Sara Groves - Remember Surrender (G3-G4)
74 Sara Groves - Just One More Thing (G3-A4)
73 Sara Groves - Every Minute (D3-D5)
72 Sanctus Real - We Need Each Other (C3-A#4)
71 Rush of Fools - Tonight (C3-C4)
70 Rush of Fools - No Name (C3-D4)
69 Red - Start Again (D3-A4)
68 Rebecca St. James - Lion (A3-F5)
67 Raze - Always and Forever (G2-F4)
66 PFR - Do You Want To Know Love (A2-A4)
64 Paul Baloche - Offering (Christmas Version) (C3-F4)
63 Paul Baloche - Loved By You (D3-D4)
62 Paul Baloche - Hallelujah To My King (C3-F4)
61 Newsboys - I'm Not Ashamed (F3-A4)
59 Mindy Gledhill - I Will Rest In You (F3-C5)
58 Matt Maher - Overflow (C3-F4)
57 Matt Maher - Memorial Acclamation (D3-A#3)
56 Matt Maher - Love Comes Down (C3-F4)
55 Matt Maher - Holy, Holy, Holy (F3-D4)
54 Matt Maher - Gloria (F3-C4)
53 Kutless - Winds of Change (C3-A#4)
52 Kutless - Strong Tower (C3-C5)
50 Krystal Meyers - The Way To Begin (G3-Eb5)
49 Krystal Meyers - Collide (C4-C5)
48 Kristene DiMarco - Song of Your Love (C4-C5)
47 Jesus Culture - In the River (F3-C5)
46 Jesus Culture - Alleluia (F3-F5)
45 Jeremy Camp - Surrender (C3-F4)
44 Jennifer Knapp - A Little More (G3-D5)
43 Jars of Clay - Trouble Is (A2-D5)
42 Jars of Clay - Safe To Land (C3-A4)
41 Jars of Clay - Only Alive (C3-F4)
40 Hillsong - High and Lifted Up (C4-C5)
39 Geoff Moore & The Distance - More Than Gold (C3-D#4)
38 Francesca Battistelli - Motion of Mercy (F3-F5)
37 Francesca Battistelli - Behind the Scenes (F3-C5)
35 FFH - I Want To Be Like You (Bb3-G5)
33 FFH - His Love Goes on Forever (C4-E5)
31 Demon Hunter - Infected (A#2-D#4)
30 dc Talk - Supernatural (C3-C5)
29 David Crowder Band - The Great Amen (F3-D4)
28 David Crowder Band - Our Communion (C3-F4)
27 Dara MacLean - Suitcases (C4-F5)
26 Code of Ethics - Soulbait (C3-A4)
25 Chris Rice - Prelude (F3-D#4)
24 Chris Rice - Love Like Crazy (G#2-E4)
23 Chris Rice - Kids Again (A2-F4)
22 Chris Rice - I See the Moon (A2-D4)
21 Chris Rice - Face of Christ (A2-F4)
20 Chris Rice - 8th Grade (C3-A4)
19 Casting Crowns - Joyful, Joyful (Bb3-F5)
18 Casting Crowns - Beautiful Savior (All My Days) (F4-G5)
17 Building 429 - Home (G2-G4)
16 Britt Nicole - You (Bb3-C5)
15 Britt Nicole - The Sun Is Rising (D4-C5)
14 Big Daddy Weave - It's All About You (D3-D4)
13 - Beautiful Name (A3-D5)
12 Avalon - The Greatest Story (D3-Bb5)
11 Audio Adrenaline - Walk on Water (C3-F4)
10 Audio Adrenaline - Leaving 99 (C3-C4)
9 - Forgiven and Loved (D4-Bb5)
8 Chris Sligh - Vessel (C3-G4)
7 Francesca Battistelli - Free to Be Me (F3-C5)
6 Downhere - How Many Kings (C4-G5)
5 Chris Rice - When Did You Fall (A2-F4)
3 Casting Crowns - Does Anybody Hear Her (C4-F5)
2 Tenth Avenue North - Oh My Dear (D3-F4)
1 Casting Crowns - While You Were Sleeping (C4-F5)