Top 62 indie pop songs in E Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 62 indie pop songs in E Major key, based on the votes of 53759 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
62 Walk The Moon - Work This Body (B2-B4)
59 Tones and I - Never Seen the Rain (C#4-B4)
58 Tones and I - Fly Away (G#3-C#5)
57 The Stone Roses - She Bangs the Drums (F#3-E4)
56 The Smiths - Stretch Out and Wait (B2-C#4)
55 The Smiths - Shoplifters of the World Unite (C#3-D4)
54 The Shins - Sleeping Lessons (B3-C#6)
53 The Shins - Black Wave (B3-G5)
52 The Lumineers - Donna (E2-G#4)
51 The Lightning Seeds - Pure (B2-B3)
50 The Feeling - Join With Us (C#3-E5)
48 The 1975 - I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) (B2-A4)
47 Sleeping At Last - Two (C#3-B4)
46 Sia - Eye of the Needle (G#3-C#5)
45 Seeb & Bastille - Grip (B2-F#5)
44 Ron Sexsmith - Maybe This Christmas (B2-E4)
43 Peter Bjorn & John - Objects of My Affection (B2-C#4)
42 Passenger - Things That Stop You Dreaming (B2-C#4)
38 New Radicals - Someday We'll Know (B2-C#5)
37 Myles Smith - Stargazing (B3-B5)
36 Mumford & Sons - The Cave (B2-G4)
35 Mumford & Sons - Not With Haste (E2-C#4)
34 MØ - Final Song (B3-E5)
33 Miike Snow - Animal (B2-C#5)
32 Mac Miller - Good News (C#2-E4)
31 King Princess - 1950 (F#3-Ab4)
27 James Bay ft. Julia Michaels - Peer Pressure (E3-G#5)
24 HAIM feat. Taylor Swift - Gasoline (E3-B4)
23 Gym Class Heroes - Cupid's Chokehold (B2-G#4)
22 Gorillaz - Doncamatic (D3-D5)
21 Glen Hansard - Say It To Me Now (B2-A4)
20 Glen Hansard - Fallen From the Sky (B2-G#4)
19 Fun. - Out on the Town (E3-B4)
18 Freya Ridings - Castles (B3-B4)
17 FINNEAS - Another Year (G#2-A4)
15 Ed Harcourt - Something In My Eye (B2-C#4)
14 Chvrches - Never Say Die (B3-C#5)
13 Chance Pena - In My Room (B3-C#5)
11 Bon Iver - 29 #Strafford APTS (A2-C#5)
10 Bleachers - I Wanna Get Better (B2-B4)
8 Belle & Sebastian - There's Too Much Love (E3-F#4)
7 Badly Drawn Boy - The Shining (G#2-G#5)
6 Arlo Parks - Hope (F#3-G#4)
5 Alex Clare - Treading Water (C#3-A4)
4 The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony (E3-E4)
2 Birdy - Skinny Love (B3-C#5)
1 Panic! At The Disco - Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time (C#3-C#5)