Top 56 christmas religious songs in E Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 56 christmas religious songs in E Major key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
56 - Yonder Comes Sister Mary (B3-C#5)
55 - Triste Navidad (G#4-A5)
54 Travis Cottrell - Once More (B3-E5)
53 Trans-Siberian Orchestra - An Angel Returned (B3-E5)
52 Trans-Siberian Orchestra - An Angel Came Down (B3-A4)
51 - Tonight a Child Is Born (B3-D#5)
50 Tommee Profitt - Noel (He Is Born) (E4-C#6)
49 Todd Agnew - This Is All I Have To Give (B2-F#4)
48 - The Manger of Bethlehem (B3-E5)
47 - The Little Drummer Boy (E4-D5)
46 Sting - There Is No Rose of Such Virtue (B2-E4)
45 Steven Curtis Chapman - Angels from the Realms of Glory (G#2-E4)
44 - Sleep, My Saviour, Sleep (E4-C#5)
43 Sing2Piano - O Come, All Ye Faithful (B3-B4)
42 Pentatonix - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (B3-G5)
41 Pentatonix - God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (B3-C#5)
40 Paul Baloche - Joy To the World / Shout for Joy (E3-E4)
39 Paul Baloche feat. Madison Cunningham - When Love Crossed Over (B3-C#5)
38 - O, Mary, Where Is Your Baby? (B3-D5)
37 - O Holy Night (Another Hallelujah) (C#4-B5)
36 Nils Landgren & Friends - Let the Stars Come Out Tonight (B3-E5)
35 Nicole C. Mullen - Sing, Angels, Sing (B3-E5)
34 Nativity! - Sparkle and Shine (B3-E5)
32 Matt Redman - Hearts Waiting (Joy to the World) (E3-F#4)
31 Matt Boswell & Matt Papa - Sing We the Song of Emmanuel (B2-E4)
30 Kenny Rogers - It's the Messiah (A2-E4)
29 Keith Getty - When Love Came Down (E2-D#5)
28 Josh Groban - Thankful (B2-G#4)
27 Joel Auge - Holy Is the Child (B2-B4)
26 Hillsong Worship - Hark (B2-C#4)
25 Hillsong - The First Noel (Holy Is the Lord) (B3-E5)
24 Hillsong - Glory To God (B3-B4)
23 Hillsong - Born Is the King (It's Christmas) (G#3-A5)
22 Glenn Packiam - The Beautiful Body and Blood (D#3-F#4)
21 Ginny Owens - This Is Christmas (G#3-B4)
20 George Strait - There's a New Kid In Town (A2-G#4)
19 GENTRI - O Holy Night (D#3-A4)
18 Garth Brooks - Mary Had a Little Lamb (B2-E4)
17 Danny Gokey - Angels We Have Heard on High (E3-A4)
16 Casting Crowns - Somewhere in Your Silent Night (C#4-F#5)
15 Casting Crowns feat. Matt Maher - Make Room (B2-D#4)
14 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Silent Comes the Joy (B3-B4)
13 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Listen To the Angels Singing (G#3-E5)
12 Bill & Gloria Gaither - It's a Time for Joy (C#4-E5)
11 Big Tent Revival - What I Want for Christmas (E3-A4)
10 Bebo Norman - Christmas Time Is Here (G#2-B3)
9 Andrew Peterson - Gather 'Round, Ye Children, Come (C#3-C#4)
8 - Ah, Bleak and Chill the Wintry Wind (B3-E5)
7 Mary Beth Carlson - All Is Well (E4-C#5)
6 Mariah Carey - O Holy Night (E3-F#5)
5 Glee Cast - The Little Drummer Boy (E4-G5)
4 Candi Pearson - He Made a Way In a Manger (B3-B4)
3 - Rose of Bethlehem (E4-G5)
2 - Some Children See Him (B3-D#5)
1 Point of Grace - All Is Well (E4-C#5)