Top 77 christian songs in D Minor Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 christian songs in D Minor key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Rachael Lampa - Day of Freedom (A3-F5)
76 P.O.D. - Set Your Eyes To Zion (C3-D4)
75 Planetshakers - Glorious Collision (F3-D5)
74 Pillar - Hypnotized (C3-A#4)
72 Piano Version - Just Like You (D3-D4)
70 Paul Wilbur - Who Is Like Thee (Mikamocha) (D3-A#3)
69 Paul Wilbur - Mountains of Israel (C3-E4)
68 Paul Wilbur - Call on the Name (A2-A4)
67 Paul Wilbur - Blessed Is the Lord (D3-D4)
66 One: A Worship Collective - Take Me In (A3-F5)
64 NF - Let You Down (F3-D4)
63 Natalie Grant - Daring To Be (F3-D5)
62 Natalie Grant - Another Day (A3-D5)
61 - Naples (G4-F5)
60 Mikeschair - All for You (F3-A4)
59 Michael Card - What Will It Take (F3-A4)
58 Michael Card - The Lamb Is a Lion (A3-A4)
57 Michael Card - Scandalon (A3-A4)
56 Michael Card - Ride On To Die (C3-A#3)
55 Matt Maher - You Were on the Cross (F3-F4)
54 Matt Maher - Lamb of God (E3-D4)
53 - Limiting the Lord (A3-D5)
52 Leslie Phillips - Strength of My Life (C3-C4)
50 Kutless - Shut Me Out (D2-A4)
49 Kutless - More Than It Seems (A2-G4)
48 Kutless - Million Dollar Man (A2-A4)
47 Kutless - Beyond the Surface (D3-A#4)
46 Kirk Franklin - Stomp (C3-D4)
45 Kirk Franklin - Revolution (C3-D4)
44 Kirk Franklin - In Love (A2-E4)
43 Keith Getty - Fullness of Grace (G2-A#3)
42 Joy Williams - 2000 Decembers Ago (A3-E5)
41 - Jesus Died Alone (C4-E5)
40 Jeremy Camp - Tonight (F3-A4)
39 Jeremy Camp - No Matter What It Takes (D3-F4)
38 Hillsong - Lord of the Heavens (G3-C5)
37 Hillsong London - Here I Am (C3-C4)
36 Hillsong Live - I Surrender (C4-A5)
35 Hillsong - King of Love (A3-F5)
34 Hillsong - I Surrender (C4-F5)
33 Hillsong - Do What You Say (B3-D5)
32 Go Fish - Christmas With a Capital "C" (A3-F5)
31 Ginny Owens - This Road (A3-D5)
30 - For Me (D4-C5)
29 - Father, We Have Sinned (A3-D5)
28 Elevation Worship feat. Chris Brown & Brandon Lake - LION (A3-A5)
27 Dustin Smith - Surround Us Now (D3-G4)
26 Donnie McClurkin - I Do, I Do (A2-D5)
25 - Depravity (D4-F5)
24 Delirious? - Kingdom of Comfort (C3-C5)
23 Dawkins & Dawkins - Wrapped Up (Remix) (D3-C5)
22 David Crowder Band - Blessedness of Everlasting Light (D3-D4)
21 Dan Schutte - Hymn of Praise (Te Deum) (E3-D4)
20 Commissioned - King of Glory (G3-C5)
19 - Coming Home (C4-D5)
18 Christ For The Nations - With All My Heart (Bb3-G5)
17 Chris Rice - Pardon My Dust (A2-G4)
16 Cece Winans - Say a Prayer (Ab3-Eb5)
15 Cece Winans - I Promise (G3-C5)
14 - Be Nice (C#4-Bb4)
13 BarlowGirl - Million Voices (D3-D5)
12 BarlowGirl - 5 Minutes of Fame (F3-E5)
11 Anointed - If We Pray (E3-G5)
10 Andrew Peterson feat. Derek Webb - Deliver Us (C3-F4)
9 Aaron Shust - The One (C3-F4)
8 Lloyd Larson - I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (D3-G4)
7 JJ Heller - What Love Really Means (G3-Bb4)
6 Jesus Culture - Where You Go I Go (D3-C5)
5 Casting Crowns - City on the Hill (C4-F5)
4 Building 429 - Impossible (D3-F5)
3 Mandisa - Born for This (G3-F5)
2 Fernando Ortega - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (D3-D4)
1 Joy Williams - Here With Us (F3-D5)