Top 77 punk songs in D Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 punk songs in D Major key, based on the votes of 53793 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Lou Reed - Sally Can't Dance (A2-D4)
76 Kelly Clarkson - Dark Side (D4-F#5)
75 Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (A2-G3)
74 Jeff Buckley - Lover, You Should've Come Over (E3-C5)
73 INXS - Listen Like Thieves (D3-F#4)
72 Interpol - Wrecking Ball (A3-E4)
70 Imagine Dragons - It's Time (A3-B4)
69 Imagine Dragons - Every Night (D3-A4)
68 Ian Dury - Blackmail Man (B3-F#4)
67 Hawk Nelson - Letters To the President (D3-G4)
66 Green Day - Whatsername (B2-G4)
65 Green Day - Strangeland (D3-G4)
64 Green Day - Road To Acceptance (F#3-G4)
62 Green Day - I Want To Be Alone (G3-G4)
61 Green Day - Christian's Inferno (B3-A4)
60 Green Day - 409 in Your Coffeemaker (E3-F#4)
59 Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown (F#3-B4)
58 Good Charlotte - The Anthem (D3-A4)
57 Good Charlotte - Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous (G3-A4)
56 Funeral for a Friend - History (A3-E5)
55 Franz Ferdinand - Walk Away (E2-F4)
54 Fall Out Boy - Young Volcanoes (F#3-B4)
53 Fall Out Boy - Thriller (A3-B4)
52 Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Goin' Down (A3-A4)
51 Fall Out Boy - I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me (A2-B4)
50 Fall Out Boy - Favorite Record (A3-B4)
49 Fall Out Boy - Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes (A2-A4)
48 Fall Out Boy - America's Suitehearts (E3-B4)
47 Fall Out Boy - American Beauty/ American Psycho (F#3-A4)
45 Elvis Costello - You Belong To Me (D3-D4)
44 Elvis Costello - This Year's Girl (E3-D4)
43 Elvis Costello - The Beat (F#3-E4)
42 Elvis Costello - No Dancing (A2-G4)
41 Elvis Costello - Living In Paradise (B2-D4)
40 Elvis Costello - Lipstick Vogue (D3-D4)
39 Elvis Costello - Hand In Hand (D3-D4)
38 Elvis Costello - Chemistry Class (A2-D4)
37 Elvis Costello - Busy Bodies (D3-G4)
36 Elvis Costello - Accidents Will Happen (D3-F4)
35 Editors - The Weight of the World (A2-A3)
34 Editors - Push Your Head Towards the Air (D2-D6)
33 David Bowie - Moonage Daydream (G#3-G4)
32 Brandi Carlile - The Joke (F#3-E5)
31 Bowling for Soup - Girl All The Bad Guys Want (D3-A4)
30 Blondie - One Way or Another (E3-B4)
28 blink-182 - Stay Together for the Kids (A2-A4)
27 blink-182 - ONE MORE TIME (B3-F#5)
25 blink-182 - Give Me One Good Reason (A3-A4)
23 blink-182 - Dysentery Gary (B2-A4)
19 Biffy Clyro - Many of Horror (When We Collide) (C#3-A4)
18 Be More Chill - Michael in the Bathroom (C#4-G5)
17 Ash - Shining Light (A2-F#4)
16 5 Seconds of Summer - Voodoo Doll (A3-B4)
15 5 Seconds of Summer - Beside You (C#3-A4)
14 4 Non Blondes - What's Up (E3-E5)
13 U2 - In God's Country (E3-G4)
12 The Undertones - Teenage Kicks (G3-A4)
11 The Smiths - Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want (D3-A3)
10 The Pogues - Streams of Whiskey (A3-E5)
9 The Cab - Angel With a Shotgun (D3-E5)
8 - Sweet Jane (D4-B4)
7 Simple Plan - Promise (A3-A6)
6 Simple Plan - I'm Just a Kid (D3-D6)
5 Scandal - The Warrior (A3-E5)
4 Madness - The House of Fun (A2-C#4)
3 Jimmy Eat World - The Middle (A2-F#4)
2 Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (D3-A4)
1 Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend (A3-D5)