Top 77 classical songs in D Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 classical songs in D Major key, based on the votes of 52000 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 - Mark, O My Heart, Evermore Only This (A2-E4)
76 Mario Frangoulis - Here's to the Heroes (A2-A#4)
75 - Madrigal (A3-E5 or Bass Voice)
74 - Lula Is Gone (D4-E5)
73 - Little Wild Rose (Heideröslein) (D4-D5 or Alto Voice)
72 - Little Black Star (B3-D5)
71 - Liederkreis, Op. 24: IX. Mit Myrthen und Rosen (D4-G5)
70 Lewis Flinn - Kyrie - Voice, Cello & Piano (B3-A#5)
69 - Le Cor (D2-D4 or Bass Voice)
68 - La Fée Aux Chansons (D4-D5)
67 Katherine Jenkins - Granada (D4-A5)
66 Josh Groban - So She Dances (A2-A#4)
65 - Jerusalem (B3-E5)
64 Jackie Evancho - Imaginer (A3-A5)
63 Jackie Evancho - Dream With Me (D4-G5)
62 - I Would Not Die In Summer Time (D4-E5)
61 - In Paradisum (E4-F#5)
59 - I Am the Moon (B3-F#5)
58 - Have Not People with Their Children (B2-E4)
56 - Gypsy Songs, Op. 55, No. 4: Als die alte Mutter (F#4-G5)
55 - God Is My Shepherd (D4-E5 or Medium Voice)
54 Gerald Finzi - Fear No More the Heat O' the Sun (D3-G4)
50 - Forgotten Dreams (A3-F#5)
49 - Et Exultavit Spiritus Meus (C#4-F#5 or Alto Voice)
48 Edward Kilenyi - Preguntale a Las Estrellas (A3-E5 or Alto Voice)
47 - Dormendo Stai (C#4-A5)
46 - Don Giovanni, K. 527: Act I - "Madamina, il catalogo è questo" (A2-E4 or Bass Voice)
45 - Die Nacht (C#4-G5 or Soprano Voice)
44 - Der Musensohn [low voice] (C#4-D5)
43 - Deh, Vieni Alla Finestra (D4-E5)
42 David Lanz & Kristin Amarie - Circles Round the Moon (A3-A4)
41 - Das Schwesterchen (D4-F5)
40 - Come You Not From Newcastle? (B3-E5)
39 - Certo Un Po' Di Cielo Colse (D4-F#5)
38 Celius Dougherty - Shenandoah (A3-D5 or Bass Voice)
37 Celius Dougherty - Across the Western Ocean (D4-D5 or Bass Voice)
36 - Awake, My Powers and All Within Me (F#2-E4)
35 Arner Burt - Love Is Not Love (A2-D4)
34 Andrea Bocelli - Vertigo (A2-A4)
33 Andrea Bocelli - Sogno (A2-B4)
32 Andrea Bocelli - Mi manchi (B2-G#4)
31 Andrea Bocelli - Mi Mancherai (C#4-G5)
30 Andrea Bocelli - La Luna Che Non C'è (C#3-A4)
29 Andrea Bocelli - Il Mare Calmo Della Sera (D3-A#4)
28 - An die Nachtigall (C#4-F5 or Alto Voice)
27 - An Die Musik (C#4-F#5)
26 - Als die alte Mutter, Op. 55, No. 4 (F#4-G5)
25 Aled Jones - I Believe (A2-B4)
24 - 6 Lieder für eine Frauenstimme: I. Morgentau (E4-E5)
23 - 6 Gedichte, Op. 36: I. Sonntags am Rhein (A3-G5)
22 - 3 Gedichte, Op. 30: III. Der Hidalgo (D4-A5)
21 The Piano Guys - Where Are You Christmas? (A3-B4)
20 The Piano Guys - Ants Marching / Ode to Joy (E3-A5)
19 Sarah Brightman - No One Like You (Db4-A5)
18 - Romance (D4-F#5)
17 - Per la gloria d'adorarvi (B3-D5)
16 - Messiah, No. 47 & 48: Behold, I Tell You a Mystery / The Trumpet Shall Sound (Recitative & Air) (A2-E4 or Bass Vocal)
15 Luciano Pavarotti - Volare (D3-F#4)
14 Katherine Jenkins - I Will Pray for You (A3-G5)
13 Josh Groban - The Little Drummer Boy (D3-G#4)
12 Josh Groban - Galileo (Someone Like You) (B2-A4)
11 Hansel and Gretel - Abends will ich schlafen gehen (D4-G5)
10 - Clavelitos (C#4-E5)
9 - Ching-a-Ring Chaw (A3-D5)
8 Aaron Copland - Laurie's Song (C3-G4)
7 Josh Groban - Mi Mancherai (Il Postino) (C#3-G4)
6 Josh Groban - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (A2-D5)
5 - Il Bacio (D4-A5)
4 Andrea Bocelli - Because We Believe (A2-A#4)
3 Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus (G2-A4)
2 - Ave verum corpus, K. 618 (D4-E5)
1 Josh Groban - You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) (A2-B4)