Top 42 british folk songs in D Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 42 british folk songs in D Major key, based on the votes of 53761 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
42 The Wurzels - I Am a Cider Drinker (B2-B4)
41 The Singing Postman - Have You Got a Light, Boy? (A2-D4)
40 The Pogues - Sally MacLennane (A3-G5)
39 Sting - August Winds (A2-D4)
38 Richard Thompson - Woman or a Man? (A2-A3)
37 Richard Thompson - Waltzing's for Dreamers (A2-A3)
36 Richard Thompson - Time To Ring Some Changes (D3-B3)
35 Richard Thompson - The Poor Ditching Boy (A2-A3)
34 Richard Thompson - The Ghost of You Walks (D2-F#4)
33 Richard Thompson - Small Town Romance (D3-D4)
32 Richard Thompson - She Cut Off Her Long Silken Hair (A2-D4)
31 Richard Thompson - Roll Over Vaughn Williams (F#3-E4)
30 Richard Thompson - Missie How You Let Me Down (A2-G4)
29 Richard Thompson - Madonna's Wedding (G3-B4)
28 Richard Thompson - King of Bohemia (D2-A4)
27 Richard Thompson - Keep Your Distance (A2-G4)
26 Richard Thompson - It's Just the Motion (D2-A4)
25 Richard Thompson - How Many Times (D3-F#4)
24 Richard Thompson - Dimming of the Day (D3-F#4)
23 Richard Thompson - Devonside (D3-F#4)
22 Richard Thompson - Beeswing (A2-B3)
21 Richard Thompson - A Heart Needs a Home (A2-F#4)
20 Ralph McTell - Streets of London (A2-A3)
19 Nick Drake - Pink Moon (D3-G4)
18 Mumford & Sons - Whispers In the Dark (F#2-A4)
17 Mumford & Sons - Roll Away Your Stone (B2-B4)
16 Mumford & Sons - Lovers' Eyes (A2-A4)
15 Mumford & Sons - Lover of the Light (A2-G4)
14 Mumford & Sons - Awake My Soul (A2-F#4)
13 Linda Thompson - Pavanne (A3-G5)
12 Laura Marling - I Speak Because I Can (F#4-C6)
11 Laura Marling - Goodbye England (Covered In Snow) (D3-D5)
10 Laura Marling - Blackberry Stone (E4-B5)
9 John Martyn - Couldn't Love You More (B2-A4)
8 Jim Croce - Spin, Spin, Spin (D3-B3)
7 Fairport Convention - Meet on the Ledge (A3-A5)
6 Donovan - Slow Down World (D3-D4)
5 Donovan - Jenifer Juniper (A2-A3)
2 Ben Howard - All Is Now Harmed (D3-E4)
1 Mumford & Sons - Learn Me Right (D3-B3)