Top 77 religious songs in Bb Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 religious songs in Bb Major key, based on the votes of 53646 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Chris Tomlin - On Our Side (D#2-A#4)
76 Chris Tomlin - Midnight Clear (Love Song) (F3-F4)
75 Chris Tomlin - Jesus, My Redeemer (G3-G4)
74 Chris Tomlin - Holy Roar (F3-G4)
73 Chris Tomlin - Greater (G3-G4)
72 Chris Tomlin - First Love (A#2-F4)
71 Chris Tomlin feat. We The Kingdom - Christmas Day (F3-Bb4)
70 Chris Tomlin - Exalted (Yahweh) (A#2-G4)
69 Chris Tomlin - Bethlehem (F3-G4)
68 Chris McClarney - God of Miracles (A#3-G4)
67 Charlie Hall - Closer (F2-A#4)
66 Casting Crowns - This Is Now (Bb3-G5)
65 Casting Crowns - Love Moved First (Bb3-G5)
64 Casting Crowns - I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (C4-F5)
63 Carsten Gerlitz - Silent Night (A#2-D#4)
62 Carsten Gerlitz - O Holy Night (A#2-D4)
61 BYU Vocal Point - Silent Night (A#2-G4)
60 Building 429 - Fear No More (G2-G4)
59 - Bright Morning Stars (D4-D5)
58 Brandon Heath - The Night Before Christmas (C3-G4)
57 Bob Hurd & Ken Canedo - Alleluia! Give the Glory (A#2-D#4)
56 Bob Dylan - The Little Drummer Boy (G2-A3)
55 Bill & Gloria Gaither - We Beheld His Glory (D4-F5)
54 Bethel Music - Pieces (F3-F5)
53 Bethel Music & Amanda Cook - Starlight (Live) (G3-D5)
52 - Be Silent, Hosts of Hell (A2-E4 or Bass)
51 Babbie Mason - Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here (F2-E4)
50 Austin French - I Need a Hallelujah (F3-A#4)
49 - Angels, From the Realms of Glory (D4-Eb5)
48 Amy Sky - Sh'ma / Barchu / I Will Love (F3-C5)
47 Amy Sky - Shalom Aleichem (Bb3-D5)
46 Amy Grant - Mister Santa (C4-D5)
45 - All Glory, Laud and Honor (Bb3-D5)
44 Alisa Turner - Lift My Eyes (F3-Bb4)
43 Aled Jones - Places (C3-G4)
42 - A Child Is Born (D4-F5)
41 Abundant Life Ministries - Forever Be Praised (D4-G5)
40 Travis Cottrell - Alive Forever, Amen (Ab3-G5)
39 - The Wonder of It All (C4-D5)
38 - There Is Power In the Blood (F4-Eb5)
37 - There Is a Fountain (Bb3-D5)
36 The Martins - Heaven's Child (G#3-C5)
35 Tasha Cobbs feat. Kierra Sheard - Put a Praise on It (G3-G5)
34 Samson - Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound (A#2-F4)
33 - Rock of Ages (D4-D5)
32 Rend Collective - Every Giant Will Fall (D4-G5)
31 Peter Furler - Reach (F3-A#4)
30 Perry Como - C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S (A2-A#3)
29 - Our God Reigns (C4-Bb4)
28 Nikki Yanofsky - I Believe (F3-Eb5)
27 - My Christmas Prayer (Eb4-A5)
26 Matthew West - Family Tree (D3-A#4)
25 Mariah Carey - Silent Night (Bb3-Eb5)
24 Harry Connick Jr. - Song for the Hopeful (A#2-D4)
23 Greater Vision - God Wants To Hear You Sing (A#2-G4)
22 Elvis Presley - An Evening Prayer (D3-G4)
21 Chris Tomlin - Majesty of Heaven (F3-F4)
20 Chris McClarney - Your Love Is Everything (G3-G4)
19 Cece Winans - The Christmas Star (G3-D5)
18 Casting Crowns - Silent Night (Bb3-Eb5)
17 Casting Crowns - Jesus, Friend of Sinners (Bb3-G5)
16 Bethel Live - This Is Amazing Grace (F4-G5)
15 Amy Grant - Joy to the World / For Unto Us a Child Is Born (E3-G5)
14 Rev. Milton Brunson - I'm Available To You (F2-F4)
13 Matt Maher - Lord, I Need You (A#2-F4)
12 Group 1 Crew - He Said (G2-G4)
11 Brandon Heath - No Turning Back (A#2-D#4)
10 Bob Dylan - Do You Hear What I Hear? (A#2-B3)
9 Indigo Girls - There's Still My Joy (F3-Bb4)
8 Bill & Gloria Gaither - Faith Unlocks the Door (C4-Eb5)
7 William McDowell - I Give Myself Away (F2-D4)
6 The Village Singers - On My Father's Side (G3-A4)
5 Kirk Franklin - Now Behold the Lamb (F2-F4)
4 Albert Hay Malotte - The Lord's Prayer - Medium Low Voice (A#2-F4)
3 The Righteous Brothers - He (A#2-D#4)
2 - The Holy City (D4-F5)
1 Amy Grant - Better Than a Hallelujah (G3-D5)