Top 43 psychedelic songs in A Minor Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 43 psychedelic songs in A Minor key, based on the votes of 53763 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
43 Vanity Fare - Early In the Morning (E3-G4)
42 The Zombies - She's Not There (D3-A4)
41 The Zombies - I Love You (G3-B4)
40 The Grass Roots - Temptation Eyes (G#3-G4)
39 The Doors - Love Her Madly (A2-E4)
38 The Doors - Light My Fire (D3-A4)
37 The Doors - Five to One (C3-B4)
36 The Byrds - I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better (E3-E4)
35 The Beau Brummels - Just a Little (A3-E4)
34 The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (E3-A4)
33 The Beatles - Hey Bulldog (C3-G4)
32 The Beatles - Because (F#3-G4)
31 Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense and Peppermints (D3-D4)
30 Steve Miller Band - Serenade From The Stars (E3-G4)
29 Sly and The Family Stone - Luv n' Haight (A3-C6)
28 Richard Thompson - The Great Valerio (E3-F4)
27 Richard Thompson - Oh I Swear (G2-A4)
26 Richard Thompson - MGB-GT (B2-G4)
25 Pink Floyd - Is There Anybody Out There? (G2-E4)
24 Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Walk Like a Giant (G3-F4)
23 Jimi Hendrix - Hey Gypsy Boy (E3-A4)
22 Jimi Hendrix - Gypsy Eyes (A3-A4)
21 Jefferson Airplane - Somebody To Love (B3-B4)
20 Janis Joplin - Kozmic Blues (A3-G5)
19 Grateful Dead - West L.A. Fadeaway (E3-E4)
18 Grateful Dead - Unbroken Chain (C3-E4)
17 Goanna - Solid Rock (C3-D4)
16 George Harrison - Art of Dying (G#3-E4)
15 Crosby Stills Nash & Young - Chicago (A2-A4)
14 Crosby Stills & Nash - Long Time Gone (E3-B4)
13 Crosby Stills & Nash - Guinnevere (D3-D4)
12 Cream - White Room (D3-G4)
11 Cream - Sunshine of Your Love (C3-A4)
10 Cream - Dance the Night Away (E3-B4)
9 Classics IV - Stormy (D3-E4)
8 Bob Dylan - Man In the Long Black Coat (G2-E4)
7 Bob Dylan - All Along the Watchtower (G3-D4)
6 The Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin (E3-G4)
5 The Association - Along Comes Mary (E3-A4)
4 Paul Revere & The Raiders - Indian Reservation (E3-D#4)
3 Natalie Merchant - Noah's Dove (G4-A5)
2 Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper (C3-C4)
1 Pink Floyd - The Great Gig In the Sky (C3-A4)