Singing Guide: Tiësto

Singing Guide: Tiësto

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Tiësto is a world-famous Dutch DJ and record producer, known for his electronic dance music (EDM) hits such as "Adagio for Strings" and "Traffic." Besides his exceptional DJ talent, Tiësto has been widely acclaimed for his distinguishing vocal technique, which lets him create seamless transitions between different vocal ranges. This article will outline tips and Singing Carrots resources to learn singing like Tiësto.

Tiësto's Unique Vocal Technique

Tiësto has mastered blending his vocal registers, switching between chest voice, falsetto, and head voice without breaks—what is known as his "belting" technique. To emulate Tiësto's belting technique:

  1. Start with proper breathing: full inhales and slow exhales.
  2. Control your airflow with breath support, focusing on the diaphragm and abdominal wall muscles to increase endurance.
  3. Practice vocal exercises with a warm-up tool like Farinelli Breathing or Three Minute Warm Up.
  4. During vocalization, Tiësto opens his mouth and throat to improve resonance and vibrato. Learning to open your mouth and throat will improve resonance and could amplify your vocal range.
  5. Use Singing Carrots Pitch Training to refine pitch accuracy, hearing acuity, and voice agility.
  6. Once you develop leveled, solid skill sets, you can try more advanced techniques like heavy modal, twang, and belting, which are demonstrated in our Contemporary Vocal Techniques article.

Tiësto's Songs for Practice

Here are some of Tiësto's most popular songs, known for their distinctive belting techniques and range diversity, for your vocal practice:

  1. Adagio For Strings
  2. Traffic
  3. Wombass
  4. Red Lights
  5. The Business
  6. Maximal Crazy

Using Singing Carrots' song search feature, you can check out the songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preferences.

Additional Singing Carrots Resources for Singing Like Tiësto


To master Tiësto's belting technique, start practicing breathing, opening your mouth and throat, and blending vocal registers. Use our Vocal Range test, Pitch Accuracy Test, and Vocal Pitch Monitor to fine-tune your performance. Try singing along to Tiësto's popular hits with our on-site Pitch Training and search for your favorite songs using our song search feature. Enjoy the learning process, have fun practicing, and most of all, sing with confidence and joy!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.