G#3 - D4 vocal range: songs, artists, voice exercises

G#3 - D4 vocal range: songs, singers, voice exercises

vocal range illustration

Discover songs, singers and singing warm-ups within G#3-D4 vocal range.

Songs within G#3 - D4 vocal range

Moby - Honey (A3-D4)

- Worthy Is the Lamb (C4-E5 or 2-Part Choir)

Up With People - Are You With It? (A3-C#4)

The xx - Angels (G#3-D4)

The Velvet Underground - Sister Ray (B3-D4)

The Smiths - Death At One's Elbow (A3-C#4)

The Smashing Pumpkins - Love (D4-D4)

The Ramones - Teenage Lobotomy (G#3-D4)

The Folksmen - Loco Man (A4 - A3)

The Beatles - Only a Northern Song (G#3-D4)

You can use our smart search to find songs by vocal range, style and gender.

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Singers with G#3 - D4 vocal range

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Our database contains vocal range data for more than 7000 artists. Type any artist name in the search and see their range.

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Vocal exercises for G#3 - D4 vocal range

Analyze your voice illustration

You can use our virtual piano which can be adjusted to any voice range. It features automatic pitch detection algorithm that visualises your pitch. It reads your voice from your mic and immediately shows if you are in tune and in tempo.

Learn more about voice exercises