77 best ETHNIC FUSION songs for karaoke & auditions | Singing carrots

Top 77 ethnic fusion songs for audition and karaoke

This is a song chart of the top 77 ethnic fusion songs, based on the votes of 49177 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.

Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song

77 Enya - White Is In the Winter Night (B3-D5)

76 Enya - Water Shows the Hidden Heart (G#3-A4)

75 Enya - The River Sings (E3-C5)

74 Enya - The Celts (A3-A4)

73 Enya - Tempus Vernum (Bb3-D4)

72 Enya - Sumiregusa (Wild Violet) (Bb3-Eb5)

71 Enya - Stars and Midnight Blue (F#3-B4)

70 Enya - Someone Said Goodbye (G3-A4)

69 Enya - Smaointe (A3-D5)

68 Enya - Pax Deorum (E3-B4)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

67 Enya - Paint the Sky With Stars (A3-E4)

66 Enya - On My Way Home (A3-G4)

65 Enya - Only If... (Gb3-Bb4)

64 Enya - One Toy Soldier (E3-Bb4)

63 Enya - Once You Had Gold (A#3-C#5)

62 Enya - Oíche Chiún (F#3-Db5)

61 Enya - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (A3-A4)

60 Enya - My! My! Time Flies! (F3-F4)

59 Enya - Long Long Journey (D#3-B4)

58 Enya - Less Than a Pearl (E3-A4)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

57 Enya - Last Time By Moonlight (G3-Bb4)

56 Enya - La Soñadora (A3-B4)

55 Enya - Journey of the Angels (D3-A4)

54 Enya - If I Could Be Where You Are (A3-C5)

53 Enya - Hope Has a Place (G#3-B4)

52 Enya - Ebudae (F3-G4)

51 Enya - Drifting (C4-C5)

50 Enya - Dreams Are More Precious (F3-G4)

49 Enya - Cursum Perticio (G4-E5)

48 Enya - Caribbean Blue (B3-G4)

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47 Enya - Boadicea (Bb3-Bb4)

46 Enya - Athair Ar Neamh (C4-Bb4)

45 Enya - Anywhere Is (G3-Bb4)

44 Enya - Angeles (B3-B4)

43 Enya - A Moment Lost (F#3-G#4)

42 Enya - Amarantine (G3-Db5)

41 Enya - Afer Ventus (G3-F4)

40 Cornershop - Brimful of Asha (E3-E4)

39 Cirque du Soleil - Triangle Tango (E4-D5)

38 Cirque du Soleil - Time Flies (G3-D5)

Looking to improve your singing? We offer a self-study voice training for singers of all levels.

37 Cirque du Soleil - Quidam (G3-G5)

36 Cirque du Soleil - Pokinoï (A3-D5)

35 Cirque du Soleil - Pageant (C4-D5)

34 Cirque du Soleil - Ombra (F3-C5)

33 Cirque du Soleil - Nostalgie (B3-C5)

32 Cirque du Soleil - Mio Bello Bello Amore (A#3-D5)

31 Cirque du Soleil - L'Innocent (A3-G4)

30 Cirque du Soleil - Liama (G3-E5)

29 Cirque du Soleil - Kunya Sobé (D4-D5)

28 Cirque du Soleil - Kumbalawé (G3-Eb5)

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27 Cirque du Soleil - If I Could Reach Your Heart (A3-B4)

26 Cirque du Soleil - Gamelan (Db4-Eb5)

25 Cirque du Soleil - Alone (A3-D5)

24 Celtic Woman - Orinoco Flow (Bb3-G5)

23 Celtic Thunder - The Island (F3-A4)

22 Celtic Thunder - Ride On (A2-D#3)

21 Celtic Thunder - Remember Me (Recuerdame) (B2-G4)

20 Celtic Thunder - My Land (A2-F#4)

19 Celtic Thunder - My Boy (A2-E4)

18 Celtic Thunder - A Bird Without Wings (E3-B4)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

17 Paul Simon - Homeless (C#3-A#4)

16 Loreena McKennitt - The Mummers' Dance (C4-E5)

15 Enya - Trains and Winter Rains (F#3-F#4)

14 Enya - Orinoco Flow (G4-G5)

13 Enya - Marble Halls (Bb3-D5)

12 Enya - Evacuee (A3-B4)

11 Enya - China Roses (C4-Bb4)

10 Enya - Book of Days (G3-E5)

9 Enya - Amid the Falling Snow (F3-Ab4)

8 Clannad - I Will Find You (F#3-D5)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

7 Cirque du Soleil - Querer (A3-D5)

6 Cirque du Soleil - Let Me Fall (D4-Bb5)

5 Cirque du Soleil - Alegría (C4-Bb5)

4 Celtic Woman - O, America! (F#3-E5)

3 Enya - It's In the Rain (F3-Ab4)

2 Enya - How Can I Keep from Singing? (A3-Bb4)

1 Celtic Thunder - The Old Man (F#2-B3)

See also

Top 100 songs & Top 100 singers on Singing Carrots