Top 60 theater songs for contralto voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 60 theater songs for contralto, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
60 THe Mock Marriage - Man Is for the Woman Made (C#4-E5)
59 The Marcy and Zina Show - Baltimore (F3-D#5)
58 Susan Egan - Oh, How I Loved You (Bb3-Bb4)
57 Susan Egan - From the Stars (G3-D5)
56 Shaina Taub - Viola's Soliloquy (G#3-C#5)
54 One Touch of Venus - How Much I Love You (Bb3-F5)
53 One Touch of Venus - Foolish Heart (Db4-F5)
52 One Touch of Venus - Don't Look Now (C4-E5)
50 Michael Mott feat. Loren Allred - Single City (Ab3-F5)
49 Lucille Ball - One Day We Dance (B3-E5)
46 Love Life - Is It Him Or Is It Me? (C4-E5)
45 Love Life - Green-Up Time (B3-E5)
43 Lotte Lenya - A Boy Like You (C4-Eb5)
42 Liza Minnelli - Shine It on (G3-D#5)
41 Liza Minnelli - Liza With a "Z" (Bb3-Eb5)
40 Lauren Kennedy - Letting You Go (G3-D5)
39 Lady In The Dark - My Ship (C4-F5)
38 Lady In The Dark - Girl of the Moment (G3-E5)
37 Kristin Chenoweth - Taylor, the Latte Boy (Bb3-D5)
36 Kooman & Dimond - Breathe (Ab3-Db5)
35 Knickerbocker Holiday - How Can You Tell An American? (B3-Eb5)
34 Knickerbocker Holiday - Ballad of the Robbers (A3-E5)
33 Kitty Carlisle - The Desert Song (C#4-E5)
32 Kirsten Guenther - Accident Prone (F3-Eb5)
31 Kicks: The Showgirl Musical - I Wanna Be a Rockette (G3-B4)
30 Kate Wetherhead - Untitled (A3-D5)
29 Jennifer Holliday - Family (D4-E5)
28 Jacqueline Mayro - Let Me Entertain You (A#3-E5)
27 Huckleberry Finn - The Catfish Song (C4-C5)
26 Huckleberry Finn - Come In, Mornin' (C4-F5)
25 Huckleberry Finn - Apple Jack (C#4-D5)
24 Hope - He Wasn't You (Ab3-C5)
23 Georgia Stitt - You Never Know (G3-Eb5)
22 Georgia Stitt - The Me of the Moment (G3-D5)
21 Georgia Stitt - Prepared (F#3-Bb4)
20 Georgia Stitt - Not Yet (Ab3-D5)
19 Georgia Stitt - My Lifelong Love (G3-D5)
18 Georgia Stitt - More of My Mother (Bb3-Eb5)
17 Georgia Stitt - Lullaby (G3-C5)
16 Follies - The World's Full of Girls (A3-F5)
15 Follies - That Old Piano Roll (C4-E5)
14 Follies - Pleasant Little Kingdom (A#3-Eb5)
13 Faith Prince - Holding to the Ground (G3-D5)
12 Audra McDonald - Lay Down Your Head (Bb3-F5)
11 Andrea Burns - BTW Write Back (Ab3-C5)
10 A Date With Judy - Through the Years (Bb3-F5)
9 WOMAN OF THE YEAR - Sometimes a Day Goes By (B3-D5)
8 The Marcy and Zina Show - Fifteen Pounds (A3-D5)
7 One Touch of Venus - I'm a Stranger Here (C#4-F5)
6 Kelli Rabke - Stranger To the Rain (Ab3-Db5)
5 Jennifer Holliday - I Am Changing (C4-F5)
4 Gwen Verdon - Big Spender (A3-Eb5)
3 Jennifer Hudson - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going (D4-F5)
1 Alison Jiear - How Could I Ever Know? (Bb3-F5)