Top 77 experimental songs for baritone voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 experimental songs for baritone, based on the votes of 53761 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Muse - Exo-Politics (E3-A4)
76 Muse - City of Delusion (A2-A4)
73 Lou Reed - Trouble With Classicists (E3-E4)
70 Lou Reed - Open House (D3-F#4)
68 Lou Reed - Hello It's Me (D3-D4)
67 Lou Reed - Forever Changed (D3-A3)
65 Jeff Wayne - The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine (A3-A#3)
64 Grizzly Bear - Foreground (F#3-F#4)
63 Frank Zappa - Camarillo Brillo (C#3-C#4)
62 Foals - Spanish Sahara (A3-E4)
61 Elbow - Mirrorball (B2-G#4)
60 Elbow - Lippy Kids (D3-G4)
59 Elbow - High Ideals (D3-F4)
58 Elbow - Bones of You (G3-G4)
57 David Bowie - (You Will) Set the World on Fire (E3-G4)
56 David Bowie - You Feel So Lonely You Could Die (D3-F4)
55 David Bowie - Without You (A2-D4)
54 David Bowie - When I Live My Dream (C3-A4)
53 David Bowie - Valentine's Day (F#3-F#4)
52 David Bowie - Uncle Arthur (D3-F#4)
51 David Bowie - TVC 15 (G3-A4)
50 David Bowie - 'Tis a Pity She Was a Whore (D3-F4)
49 David Bowie - The Next Day (D3-F#4)
48 David Bowie - Sue (Or in a Season of Crime) (F#3-E4)
47 David Bowie - Soul Love (C#3-A4)
46 David Bowie - So She (E3-D#4)
45 David Bowie - Sell Me a Coat (D3-C4)
44 David Bowie - Please Mr. Gravedigger (C3-A3)
43 David Bowie - Love You Till Tuesday (A#2-F4)
42 David Bowie - Love Is Lost (G#3-E4)
41 David Bowie - Look Back In Anger (F#3-G#4)
40 David Bowie - Little Wonder (B2-E4)
39 David Bowie - Let Me Sleep Beside You (A2-A4)
38 David Bowie - Lazarus (C3-B3)
37 David Bowie - Join the Gang (B2-F#4)
36 David Bowie - I'm Afraid of Americans (D#3-C4)
35 David Bowie - I'll Take You There (D3-E4)
34 David Bowie - I'd Rather Be High (F3-E4)
33 David Bowie - I Can't Give Everything Away (C3-E4)
32 David Bowie - How Does the Grass Grow? (F#3-F4)
31 David Bowie - Heat (F#3-A3)
30 David Bowie - Hallo Spaceboy (A3-F#4)
29 David Bowie - Dollar Days (A#3-D#4)
28 David Bowie - Dirty Boys (E3-E4)
27 David Bowie - Did You Ever Have a Dream (D3-E4)
26 David Bowie - Dancing Out In Space (A#3-F4)
25 David Bowie - Come and Buy My Toys (C3-C4)
24 David Bowie - Changes (C3-A4)
23 David Bowie - Breaking Glass (E3-G#4)
22 David Bowie - Boys Keep Swinging (F3-F#4)
21 David Bowie - Boss of Me (C3-D#4)
20 David Bowie - Beauty and the Beast (A2-A4)
18 Tom Waits - Picture in a Frame (A#2-D#4)
17 Tom Waits - New Coat of Paint (C#3-C#4)
16 Tom Waits - Johnsburg, Illinois (A2-E4)
15 Tom Waits - Innocent When You Dream (C3-F4)
14 Tom Waits - Come on Up To the House (A#2-D#4)
13 Tom Waits - Chocolate Jesus (B2-D#4)
12 The Velvet Underground - I'll Be Your Mirror (D3-F#4)
11 The Flaming Lips - Waitin' for a Superman (F3-G#4)
10 Radiohead - The Daily Mail (D3-A4)
9 Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack (D3-G4)
8 Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees (E3-A4)
7 Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place (A#3-F4)
6 Atoms for Peace - Ingenue [Piano Version] (G3-A4)
5 Tom Waits - (Looking For) The Heart of Saturday Night (A2-D4)
4 Tom Waits - A Sight for Sore Eyes (A2-C4)
3 Radiohead - Sail To the Moon (A3-A4)
2 Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks (A2-G4)
1 Radiohead - Exit Music (For a Film) (B2-G4)