Top 66 crossover songs for mezzo voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 66 crossover songs for mezzo, based on the votes of 55134 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
66 Nina Simone - Turn Me On (E4-G5)
65 Mama Cass Elliot - New World Coming (C4-A5)
63 Lindsey Stirling - We Are Giants - Cello Trio & Piano/Vocal (D4-E5)
62 Lindsey Stirling - I Wonder as I Wander - Violin, Voice & Piano (A3-F#5)
58 Lindsey Stirling feat. Carah Faye - Where Do We Go (B3-F#5)
57 Lindsey Stirling - Brave Enough (A3-D5)
56 Lindsey Stirling - Assassin's Creed III (C4-F5)
55 Laura Wright - Stronger As One (Bb3-G5)
54 Katherine Jenkins - Viva Tonight (C4-F5)
53 Katherine Jenkins - Green Green Grass of Home (D4-F#5)
52 Katherine Jenkins - Granada (D4-A5)
51 Jackie Evancho - When I Fall in Love (A3-E5)
50 Jackie Evancho - What a Wonderful World (B3-D#5)
49 Jackie Evancho - Some Enchanted Evening (C4-Eb5)
48 Jackie Evancho - Ombra Mai Fu (D4-G5)
47 Jackie Evancho - Imaginer (A3-A5)
46 Jackie Evancho - Dream With Me (D4-G5)
45 Jackie Evancho - Can You Feel the Love Tonight (D4-G5)
44 Jackie Evancho - Angel (Bb3-G5)
43 Hayley Westenra - Wuthering Heights (F4-F#5)
42 Hayley Westenra - Wiegenlied (F4-F5)
41 Hayley Westenra - What You Never Know (Won't Hurt You) (C4-C5)
40 Hayley Westenra - River of Dreams (C#4-F#5)
39 Hayley Westenra - Prayer (C4-Db5)
38 Hayley Westenra - Pokarekare Ana (D4-C5)
37 Hayley Westenra - Never Say Goodbye (D4-D5)
36 Hayley Westenra - Never Saw Blue (A3-C5)
35 Hayley Westenra - Hine, E Hine (E4-F5)
34 Hayley Westenra - Dark Waltz (Bb3-Ab5)
33 Hayley Westenra - Ave Maria (C4-F5)
32 Charlotte Church - The Little Horses (C4-F5)
31 Charlotte Church - She Moved Through the Fair (Eb4-F5)
30 Charlotte Church - It's the Heart That Matters Most (C4-F5)
29 Charlotte Church - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Db4-Gb5)
28 Celtic Woman - Vivaldi's Rain (A3-F#5)
27 Celtic Woman - Nella Fantasia (Eb4-G5)
26 Celtic Woman - Ave Maria (Bb3-G5)
25 Caro Emerald - The Other Woman (A#3-B4)
24 Amy Winehouse - Xxxx Me Pumps (E4-F5)
23 Amy Winehouse - What Is It About Men (F#4-A5)
22 Amy Winehouse - In My Bed (F4-Ab5)
21 Amy Winehouse - Cherry (A3-C#5)
20 Amy Winehouse - Brother (Ab4-Gb5)
19 Sarah Brightman - No One Like You (Db4-A5)
18 Katherine Jenkins - I Will Pray for You (A3-G5)
17 Jackie Evancho - Reflection (A3-F#5)
16 Jackie Evancho - O Mio Babbino Caro (D4-G5)
15 Hayley Westenra - Heaven (A3-D5)
14 Hayley Westenra - Dido's Lament (F#4-G5)
13 Diana Krall - I've Got You Under My Skin (C4-G5)
12 Charlotte Church - Suo Gan (G4-G5)
11 Charlotte Church - From My First Moment (D4-Gb5)
10 Charlotte Church - Carrick Fergus (B3-E5)
9 Celtic Woman - Scarborough Fair (Bb3-Eb5)
8 Celtic Woman - Christmas Pipes (D4-F5)
7 Jackie Evancho - To Believe (A3-G5)
6 Jackie Evancho - Nella Fantasia (Eb4-G5)
5 Hayley Westenra - Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again (A3-G5)
4 Jackie Evancho - The Lord's Prayer (C4-G5)
3 Celtic Woman - The Blessing (A3-D5)
2 Celtic Woman - The Prayer (A3-F5)