Top 55 country folk songs for contralto voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 55 country folk songs for contralto, based on the votes of 55134 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
55 Patty Griffin - Burgundy Shoes (G3-G4)
54 Miranda Lambert - Same Old You (G3-D5)
53 Miranda Lambert - Over You (F3-A4)
52 Miranda Lambert - Oklahoma Sky (G3-G4)
51 Miranda Lambert - Look At Miss Ohio (G3-A4)
50 Miranda Lambert - Fastest Girl In Town (F3-D5)
49 Miranda Lambert - Easy Living (A3-A4)
48 Miranda Lambert - Dear Diamond (G3-B4)
47 Miranda Lambert - Baggage Claim (Ab3-Bb4)
46 Mary Chapin Carpenter - Why Shouldn't We (C4-F5)
45 Mary Chapin Carpenter - Not Too Much to Ask (D4-D5)
44 Mary Chapin Carpenter - Jubilee (F3-Bb4)
43 Mary Chapin Carpenter - John Doe No. 24 (B3-B4)
42 Mary Chapin Carpenter - He Thinks He'll Keep Her (F#3-A4)
41 Mary Chapin Carpenter - Here I Am (C4-F5)
40 Mary Chapin Carpenter - Grand Central Station (C#4-D5)
39 Mary Chapin Carpenter - Closer and Closer Apart (C4-F5)
38 Mary Chapin Carpenter - Between Here and Gone (D4-E5)
37 Mary Chapin Carpenter - A Place In the World (C4-F5)
36 Martina McBride - My Baby Loves Me (C4-C5)
35 Kathy Mattea - What a Wonderful Beginning (F3-Bb4)
34 Kathy Mattea - Nothing But a Child (G3-G4)
33 Kathy Mattea - Good News (Ab3-Bb4)
32 Kathy Mattea - Brightest and Best (G3-A4)
31 Kathy Mattea - Asking Us To Dance (G3-G4)
30 Kasey Chambers - This Flower (A3-Bb4)
29 Kasey Chambers - Runaway Train (G#3-G#4)
28 Kasey Chambers - On a Bad Day (Bb3-Bb4)
27 Kasey Chambers - Barricades and Brick Walls (Bb3-A4)
26 Joan Baez - The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down (F3-G4)
25 Gretchen Peters - When You Are Old (A3-E5)
24 Gretchen Peters - The Secret of Life (A3-B4)
23 Gretchen Peters - Revival (Bb3-C5)
22 Gretchen Peters - Over Africa (A3-B4)
21 Emmylou Harris - To Daddy (G3-C5)
20 Emmylou Harris - Beneath Still Waters (A3-B4)
19 Emmylou Harris - A Love That Will Never Grow Old (G3-C5)
18 Dolly Parton - Starting Over Again (Bb3-D5)
17 Dolly Parton - Love Is Like a Butterfly (Bb3-C5)
16 Dolly Parton - Jesus and Gravity (G3-D5)
15 Dolly Parton - Daddy Was An Old Time Preacher Man (B3-D5)
14 Dolly Parton - Coat of Many Colors (G3-C5)
13 Dolly Parton - Blue Smoke (A3-E5)
12 Dolly Parton - Better Get To Livin' (A3-C#5)
11 Deana Carter - You and Tequila (B3-E5)
10 Brandi Carlile - Heart's Content (G3-D5)
9 Beth Nielsen Chapman - Sand and Water (G3-C5)
8 Miranda Lambert - All Kinds of Kinds (G3-C5)
7 Linda Ronstadt - Prisoner In Disguise (G3-C5)
6 Kathy Mattea - There's a New Kid In Town (G3-G4)
5 Eva Cassidy - Coat of Many Colours (G#3-A4)
4 Dolly Parton - Stairway to Heaven (A3-D5)
3 Dolly Parton - If (G3-F5)
2 Deana Carter - Strawberry Wine (A3-D5)
1 Beth Nielsen Chapman - I Find Your Love (A3-A4)