Top 77 alternative folk songs for tenor voice for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 alternative folk songs for tenor, based on the votes of 53761 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 The Avett Brothers - February Seven (C#3-E4)
76 The Avett Brothers - Bella Donna (C#3-D4)
75 The Avett Brothers - Another Is Waiting (G3-E4)
74 Sufjan Stevens - The Dress Looks Nice on You (D#3-C4)
73 Sufjan Stevens - No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross (C#3-F#4)
72 Sufjan Stevens - Mystery of Love (D3-E4)
71 Sleeping At Last - North (D3-G4)
70 Sleeping At Last - Light (C3-A4)
69 Seth Lakeman - Take No Rogues (F3-F4)
68 Seth Lakeman - Setting of the Sun (F3-D#4)
67 Seth Lakeman - Send Yourself Away (D3-E4)
66 Seth Lakeman - Lady of the Sea (Hear Her Calling) (E3-G4)
65 Richard Thompson - Wall of Death (E3-F#4)
64 Paul Kelly - From Little Things Big Things Grow (D3-D4)
63 Patrick Watson - Lighthouse (D3-B4)
62 Passenger - The Wrong Direction (C3-D4)
61 Passenger - Patient Love (C#3-D#4)
60 Passenger - Keep on Walking (C3-F4)
59 Passenger - Heart's on Fire (C#3-D#4)
57 Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait (G3-G4)
56 Mumford & Sons - Hopeless Wanderer (D#3-F4)
55 Mudvayne - (Per)version of a Truth (D3-C5)
54 James McMorrow - Wicked Game (C#3-G#4)
53 James McMorrow - National (E3-B4)
51 James Bay - Move Together (F3-A#4)
50 James Bay - Hold Back the River (C3-A4)
47 Jake Bugg - Two Fingers (C3-F4)
46 Jake Bugg - Trouble Town (E3-G4)
42 Hozier - Jackie and Wilson (C#3-A#4)
41 Hozier - It Will Come Back (D3-G4)
39 Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood (D3-G#4)
38 Fleet Foxes - Oliver James (F#3-G4)
37 Fleet Foxes - Mykonos (G#3-B4)
36 Fleet Foxes - Meadowlarks (D3-F4)
35 Elliott Smith - Everything Reminds Me of Her (C3-C4)
34 Ed Sheeran - U.N.I. (C3-D4)
33 Ed Sheeran - The City (E3-G4)
32 Damien Rice - Rootless Tree (F4-F4)
31 Damien Rice - Prague (C3-G4)
30 Damien Rice - Older Chests (C3-F4)
29 Damien Rice - My Favourite Faded Fantasy (A3-B4)
28 Damien Rice - Me, My Yoke & I (D3-C5)
27 Damien Rice - Long Long Way (G3-F4)
26 Damien Rice - I Don't Want To Change You (C3-E4)
25 Damien Rice - Cross-Eyed Bear (E3-E4)
24 Damien Rice - Coconut Skins (D3-G4)
23 Chris Miller - Lady of the Sea (E3-G4)
22 Bruce Springsteen - Youngstown (C3-C4)
21 Bruce Springsteen - Johnny 99 (G#3-D4)
20 Bruce Springsteen - Dry Lightning (C3-C4)
19 Breaking Benjamin - The Diary of Jane (C4-C5)
18 Bon Iver - Re: Stacks (C#3-A4)
14 Bon Iver - 21 Moon Water (C3-E4)
13 Bon Iver - 00000 Million (C3-F4)
12 Ben Howard - She Treats Me Well (C3-C5)
11 Ben Howard - Only Love (D#3-F4)
10 Ben Howard - In Dreams (D3-C4)
9 Ben Howard - End of the Affair (C3-A4)
8 Ben Howard - Conrad (E3-E4)
7 Ben Howard - All Is Now Harmed (D3-E4)
5 The Avett Brothers - Shame (D#3-F4)
4 Ryan Shupe & the Rubberband - Dream Big (C3-A4)
3 Jason Gray - More Like Falling In Love (E3-B4)
2 Frank Turner - Recovery (E3-B4)
1 Mumford & Sons - The Boxer (C3-F4)