Top 51 southern gospel songs in G Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 51 southern gospel songs in G Major key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
51 Whisnants - New Day Dawning (D4-E5)
50 - Where Could I Go? (G4-D5)
49 The Speer Family - Saved To the Uttermost (D4-E5)
47 The Kings Men - I Will Rise Up From the Grave (D3-E4)
46 The Isaacs - Honestly (B3-D5)
45 The Hoppers - Great Day in the Morning (B3-F5)
44 The Hemphills - It Wasn't Raining When Noah Built the Ark (E4-D5)
43 The Hemphills - Every Need Supplied (C4-B4)
42 The Happy Goodman Family - I'm In This Church (D4-B4)
41 The Happy Goodman Family - Clear Title (E4-E5)
40 The Gaithers - Searchin' (D3-D4)
39 The Gaithers - Carry Me (B2-F4)
38 - The Blood That Stained the Old Rugged Cross (D4-D5)
37 - Just Ask (G3-D5)
36 Janet Paschal - God Is Up To Something (Bb3-Eb5)
35 - I Shall Wear a Crown (E4-C5)
34 - In the New Time (C4-Eb5)
33 Inspirations - We Need To Thank God (C3-D4)
32 Howard Goodman - Give Up (D3-D4)
31 - He's Still Waiting By the Well (C4-G5)
30 - He Set Me Free (D4-D5)
29 Greg Day - Midnight Cry (B3-E5)
28 Greater Vision - Just One More Soul (D3-D4)
27 Greater Vision - Faces (D3-E4)
25 Gloria Gaither - Joy In the Camp (G4-D5)
24 Gaither Vocal Band - Thank God I'm Free (A#2-F4)
23 Elvis Presley - Where Could I Go? (G3-D4)
22 Elvis Presley - Amazing Grace (D3-E4)
21 Eddy Arnold - It Took a Miracle (D3-D4)
20 Chuck Wagon Gang - I Feel Like Traveling On (G4-D5)
19 Bill & Gloria Gaither - He's a Personal Savior (A3-E5)
18 Bill Gaither - The Sweetest Words He Ever Said (D3-D4)
17 Bill Gaither - The Eastern Gate (B2-D4)
16 Barbara Mandrell - I Will Glory In the Cross (D4-E5)
15 - The Unclouded Day (D4-E5)
14 The Statesmen - Your First Day In Heaven (A2-E4)
13 The Crabb Family - The Reason That I'm Standing (C3-E4)
12 The Cathedrals - He Made a Change (D3-E4)
11 - Sweet By and By (D4-D5)
10 - Sheltered in the Arms of God (C4-Db5)
9 - Room at the Cross for You (C#4-D5)
8 - Midnight Cry (D4-E5)
7 Gold City - In Time, On Time, Every Time (D3-F4)
6 Gaither Vocal Band - I Shall Wear a Crown (E3-C4)
5 Brian Free & Assurance - For God So Loved (G2-D#4)
4 Bill & Gloria Gaither - The Unclouded Day (D4-E5)
2 Mark Bishop - Can I Pray for You? (D3-E4)
1 Randy Travis - Above All (A2-C4)