Top 77 rock roll songs in G Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 rock roll songs in G Major key, based on the votes of 52009 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Crescendos - Oh Julie (D4-D5)
76 Collective Soul - Precious Declaration (C3-G4)
75 Clyde McPhatter - A Lover's Question (D3-E4)
74 Chuck Willis - What Am I Living for (D3-E4)
73 Chuck Berry - Sweet Little Rock and Roller (G3-F#4)
72 Chuck Berry - Nadine (D3-F#4)
71 Chuck Berry - Memphis Tennessee (G3-D4)
70 Chuck Berry - Little Queenie (F#3-D4)
69 Chuck Berry - Carol (D3-D4)
68 Chubby Checker - The Twist (D3-C4)
67 Chas & Dave - Wallop! (E2-D4)
66 Chas & Dave - That's What I Like (F3-D4)
65 Chas & Dave - Snooker Loopy (D3-E4)
64 Chas & Dave - Poor Old Mr Woogie (D3-G4)
63 Chas & Dave - Margate (A2-E4)
62 Chas & Dave - In Sickness and in Health (E3-E4)
61 Buffalo Springfield - Round and Round and Round (E4-A5)
59 Buffalo Springfield - Broken Arrow (D4-A5)
58 Buddy Knox - Party Doll (D3-D4)
57 Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue Got Married (C3-D4)
56 Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue (D3-C4)
55 Buddy Holly - Oh, Boy! (C#3-D4)
54 Bryan Adams - Star (D3-G4)
53 Bryan Adams - She's Got a Way (D3-B4)
52 Bryan Adams - Run To You (F#3-C#5)
51 Bryan Adams - I'm Ready (F3-G4)
50 Bruce Springsteen - This Hard Land (D3-F#5)
49 Bruce Springsteen - The Promised Land (D3-F4)
48 Bruce Springsteen - The Price You Pay (D3-G4)
47 Bruce Springsteen - The Angel (B2-G4)
46 Bruce Springsteen - Stolen Car (C3-E4)
45 Bruce Springsteen - Something in the Night (G2-A4)
44 Bruce Springsteen - Shackled and Drawn (E3-D4)
43 Bruce Springsteen - Reno (D2-G3)
42 Bruce Springsteen - Ramrod (G3-F#4)
41 Bruce Springsteen - Open All Night (G2-E4)
40 Bruce Springsteen - Leah (A2-C4)
39 Bruce Springsteen - Land of Hope and Dreams (C3-E4)
38 Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch (C3-A4)
37 Bruce Springsteen - Easy Money (D3-E4)
36 Bruce Springsteen - Darlington County (A2-A4)
35 Bruce Springsteen - Darkness on the Edge of Town (D3-G4)
34 Bruce Springsteen - Cadillac Ranch (G3-C5)
33 Bruce Springsteen - Backstreets (D3-G4)
32 Bruce Springsteen - All I'm Thinkin' About (C3-G4)
31 Brian Ferry - Let's Stick Together (G2-G4)
30 Bo Diddley - You Can't Judge a Book by the Cover (D3-G4)
29 Bo Diddley - Ride On Josephine (G3-F#4)
28 Bo Diddley - I'm a Man (C#3-G4)
27 Bo Diddley - I Can Tell (D3-G4)
26 Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley (D3-D4)
25 Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band - Like a Rock (C3-B4)
24 Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band - In Your Time (C3-G4)
23 Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band - Brave Strangers (G2-A3)
22 Bob Seger - Beautiful Loser (G2-C#5)
21 Bob Dylan - Most Likely You Go Your Way (and I'll Go Mine) (E3-E4)
20 Bob Dylan - If You Gotta Go, Go Now (E3-F4)
19 Bob Dylan - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (G2-C4)
17 Bobby Fuller Four - I Fought the Law (G3-G4)
16 Bobby Boris Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers - Monster Mash (A#2-B3)
15 Blue Rodeo - Lost Together (D3-G4)
14 Billy Fury - Like I've Never Been Gone (C3-D#4)
13 All Shook Up - There's Always Me (G2-F4)
11 ZZ Top - Arrested for Driving While Blind (D3-C#4)
10 The Beatles - Act Naturally (G2-E4)
9 John Mellencamp - Check It Out (G2-G3)
8 Jerry Lee Lewis - Rockin' My Life Away (D3-G4)
7 Elvis Presley - Viva Las Vegas (B2-G4)
6 Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds (D3-G4)
5 Chas & Dave - Wish I Could Write a Love Song (C#3-G4)
4 The Pretenders - 2000 Miles (E3-B4)
3 - Raining In My Heart (D4-B4)
2 Batman [TV Series] - Batman Theme (G2-G5)
1 Jack's Mannequin - Last Straw (D3-A4)