Top 34 pop vocal songs in G Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 34 pop vocal songs in G Major key, based on the votes of 55139 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
34 Young At Heart - You, My Love (D4-E5)
33 - Whoever Gets Me (A3-F5)
32 - Waiting for You (D4-F#5)
31 Victor/Victoria - Chicago, Illinois (A3-D5)
30 THE PICTURE OF HAPPINESS - The Picture of Happiness (G3-F5)
28 The Eternal Road - David's Psalm (D3-G4)
27 - Take Me (B3-G5)
26 Songs By D.C. Anderson - Letter (C4-E5)
25 Songs By D.C. Anderson - Karma Comedian (C4-Eb5)
24 - She Is Not Thinking of Me (D4-E5)
23 Robbie Williams - Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me (C3-D4)
22 - Ring-a Ding Ding! (C#4-E5)
21 Pocketful of Miracles - Pocketful of Miracles (D4-E5)
20 Our Town - Look To Your Heart (C#4-F5)
19 One Touch of Venus - Don't Look Now (C4-E5)
18 New Faces of 1952 - The Boston Beguine (B0-E4)
17 Love Life - Green-Up Time (B3-E5)
16 Knickerbocker Holiday - Young People Think About Love (F2-A5)
15 Knickerbocker Holiday - May and January (C#4-G5)
14 Kiss of the Spider Woman - Day After That (D4-A5)
13 John Murray Amderson's Almanac - Merry Little Minuet (F#2-C4)
12 Hello Again - The One I Love (A2-A4)
11 - Have You Met Miss Jones? (D4-G5)
10 Gigi - Thank Heaven for Little Girls (C#4-D5)
9 A Little Night Music - Remember? (C#4-G5)
8 A Kingdom for a Cow - As Long As I Love (C#4-G5)
7 A Christmas Carol (1981) - One Family (B0-D5)
6 My Fair Lady - Show Me (D4-G5)
5 Hello Again - Tom (A2-E4)
4 Fantasticks - Try to Remember (B3-D5)
3 Fantasticks - Much More (B3-F5)
2 Dean Martin - On an Evening in Rome (B2-D4)
1 Fantasticks - Soon It's Gonna Rain (B3-D5)