77 best SACRED songs in F Major for karaoke & auditions | Singing carrots

Top 77 sacred songs in F Major Key for audition and karaoke

This is a song chart of the top 77 sacred songs in F Major key, based on the votes of 53759 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.

Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song

77 - Lobet den Herren, alle Heiden (F2-G3)

76 - Leave It There (Bb3-C5)

75 - Laudate pueri Dominum (F3-A4)

74 - Lauda Jerusalem (F3-A4)

73 Joel Raney - Softly and Tenderly (A2-C4)

72 - Jesu, corona virginum (C3-Eb4)

71 - In principio erat verbum (F2-Bb3)

70 - Iniquos odio habui (F3-G4)

69 - In a Monastery Garden (C4-F5)

68 - If the Lord Himself (F2-A3)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

67 - Homo, cum in honore esset (F2-G3)

66 - Holy, Holy, Holy (G3-F5)

65 - Heu mihi, Domine (G2-Bb3)

64 - Herr, nun lรครŸt du deinen Diener im Friede fahren (B2-D4)

63 - Heavenly Sunlight (C4-D5)

62 - Gratitude (G4-G5)

61 - Gloria in altissimis Deo (G3-C5)

60 - Gaudent in caelis (F2-C4)

59 Garrett Breeze - For the Beauty of the Earth (C4-D5)

58 - Fremuit spiritus Jesu (F2-C4)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

57 - For Sion's Sake (F2-D4)

56 - Fix Me, Jesus (D4-F5)

55 - Fallax gratia (F2-Bb3)

54 - Exsurgat Deus (F2-Bb3)

53 - Exsultate, justi, in Domino (C3-F4)

52 - Ei, du frommer und getreuer Knecht (F3-G4)

51 - Dominus scit cogitationes hominum (F2-Bb3)

50 - Domine, secundum actum meum (D3-F4)

49 - Domine, quando veneris (1) (F3-A4)

48 - Domine, non est exaltatum cor meum (F2-Bb3)

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47 - Domine, deduc me (C3-Eb4)

46 - Die Gerechten werden ewiglich leben (F2-Bb3)

45 - Deus noster refugium (F2-C4)

44 - Deus, in nomine tuo (A2-D4)

43 - Deus canticum novum (G2-C4)

42 - Der Vater hat den Sohn lieb (D3-F4)

41 - Das ist der Wille (F2-A3)

40 - Da pacem, Domine (G2-C4)

39 - Cum natus esset Jesus (G2-E4)

38 - Congratulamini mihi omnes (A2-D4)

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37 - Condescension (F4-D5)

36 - Clamaverunt ad Dominum (F2-G3)

35 Chris Tomlin - Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (C3-F4)

34 - Cantate Domino canticum novum (D3-G4)

33 - Bonitatem fecisti (F2-Bb3)

32 - Bless the Lord, O My Soul (C4-E5)

31 - Benedicite omnia opera Domini Domino (F2-A3)

30 - Benedic anima mea Domino (D3-A4)

29 - Beatus vir qui timet Dominum (F2-G3)

28 - Beatus qui intelligit (F3-C5)

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27 - Beati omnes qui timent Dominum (F3-G4)

26 - Ave regina caelorum (G3-Bb4)

25 - Auf dein Zukunft (Bb2-D4)

24 - Audi dulcis amica mea (G3-A4)

23 - Ante me non est formatus Deus (A2-D4)

22 - Angelus Domini descendit de caelo (F2-Bb3)

21 - All Generations Will Praise Your Name (F3-C5)

20 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Sperent in te omnes (A2-A3)

19 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Jubilate Deo omnis terra (D2-D#3)

18 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Intende voci orationis meae (F2-E3)

What's your voice type? Find out with our interactive vocal range test.

17 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Improperium exspectavit cor meum (F1-A2)

16 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Exspectans exspectavi Dominum (A1-D3)

15 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Exaudi Deus orationem meam (D2-F3)

14 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Eripe me de inimicis meis (D2-E3)

13 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Domine, fac mecum misericordiam (F2-G3)

12 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Domine convertere (F2-A3)

11 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Dextera Domini fecit virtutem (A#1-D3)

10 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Confitebor Tibi, Domine (F1-A#2)

9 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Benedictus es, Domine ... in labiis (F1-A2)

8 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Benedictus es, Domine ... et respondebo (F2-G3)

Find more songs for any vocal range (or voice type) filtered by gender & singing style in our 75 000+ titles vocal ranges database

7 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Benedicite gentes Dominum (G2-A3)

6 1585) Sacrae Cantiones for Four Voices (Munich - Benedicam Dominum, qui tribuit (C3-C4)

5 - The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want (C4-D5)

4 - Messiah, No. 20: He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd / Come Unto Him (Recitative & Air) (C4-G5 or Alto Voice)

3 Elvis Presley - Peace in the Valley (D3-F4)

2 Mass (1971) - A Simple Song (Bb3-Eb5 or Medium Low Voice)

1 - Be Still, My Soul (F4-D5)

See also

Top 77 songs in F Major key

Top 77 sacred songs