Top 59 baroque songs in F Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 59 baroque songs in F Major key, based on the votes of 55122 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
59 - Wer überwindet (D3-D4)
58 - Vaga su spin'ascosa (D4-D5)
57 - Tutto'l dì piango (C4-G5)
56 - Tu ch'hai le penne amore (F#3-D4)
55 - Torna, deh torna (E4-F5)
54 - The Smiling Hours (Bb3-D5 or Alto Voice)
53 - Se ridete gioiose (D4-D5)
52 - Qu' une longue tiedeur ennuie (F4-G5)
51 - Que ta voix divine me touche! (D4-Eb5)
50 - Que ces pres sont charmants et verds (D4-F5)
49 - Pleasure's Gentle Zephyrs Play (Bb3-E5 or Alto Voice)
48 - Pien d'amoroso affetto (C4-F5)
47 - O piante, o selve ombrose (C3-C4)
46 - On n'aime plus dans ces bocages (C4-F5)
45 - O mi Domine (D3-G4)
44 - O Maria, tu dulcis (F#3-Bb4)
43 - O Jesu Christe, Gottes Sohn (F2-A3)
42 - O' dolce fonte del mio pianto (C4-G5)
41 - O che felice giorno (F#4-F5)
40 - Non, il n'est pas en mon pouvoir (D4-D5)
39 - Non ha 'l ciel cotanti lumi (F3-F4)
38 - Noe, Noe (F2-G3)
37 - Mein Glaubiges Herze (F4-A5 or Soprano Voice)
36 - Lungi da te (C4-F5 or Alto Voice)
35 - Lorsque Tircis sut m'engager (F4-G5)
34 - Lobet den Herren, alle Heiden (F2-G3)
33 - La bella man vI stringo (D4-F5)
32 - Je passais de tranquilles jours (D4-F5)
31 - Iris, depuis que je vous aime (F4-G5)
30 - Io, che l'età solea viver nel fango (C2-G4)
29 - Il n'est rien dans la vie (D4-F5)
28 - Il lamento (Bb3-G5)
27 - Hornpipe from Suite in F major (HWV 348) (D4-Bb5)
26 - Hor che lungi da voi (C4-F5)
25 - Herr, nun läßt du deinen Diener im Friede fahren (B2-D4)
24 - Here Amid the Shady Woods (D4-F5 or Soprano Voice)
23 - Gloria in altissimis Deo (G3-C5)
22 - Fuyons cette rive charmante (C4-D5)
21 - Fortunato augellino (B3-D5)
20 - For Sion's Sake (F2-D4)
19 - Ei, du frommer und getreuer Knecht (F3-G4)
18 - Dovrò dunque morire (D4-D5)
17 - Die Gerechten werden ewiglich leben (F2-Bb3)
16 - Der Vater hat den Sohn lieb (D3-F4)
15 - Délices des étés (D4-Eb5)
14 - Das ist der Wille (F2-A3)
12 - Ch'io non t'ami cor mio (D4-F5)
11 - Bois Epais (D4-F5)
10 - Ave regina caelorum (G3-Bb4)
9 - Auf dein Zukunft (Bb2-D4)
8 - Aria Ultima: Chi mi confort'ahimè (Bb1-C4)
7 - Amor l'ali m'impenna (C4-C5)
6 - Alme luci beate (B3-F5)
5 - Al fonte, al prato (F#3-F4)
4 - A donna bella e crudele (D4-A5)
3 - Se Florindo è fedele (C4-C5)
2 - Messiah, No. 20: He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd / Come Unto Him (Recitative & Air) (C4-G5 or Alto Voice)
1 Rinaldo - Lascia Ch'io Pianga (F3-G4)