Top 77 musical songs in E Minor Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 musical songs in E Minor key, based on the votes of 53761 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Shrek: The Musical - Donkey Pot Pie (D3-F#5)
76 School of Rock: The Musical - Stick It to the Man (B3-D6)
75 - Sail (G3-E5)
74 Preeya Kalidas - Shakalaka Baby (B3-C5)
73 Porgy and Bess - My Man's Gone Now (E4-B5)
72 Pippin - Spread a Little Sunshine (B2-G4)
71 Pinocchio [2022] - The Coachman To Pleasure Island (G3-G5)
70 Parade - That's What He Said (D4-G5)
69 or Change Caroline - I Got Four Kids (E3-G5)
68 On the Twentieth Century - On the Twentieth Century (E4-A5)
67 Newsies (1992) - Once and for All (E3-F4)
66 Natasha Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 - Pierre (E3-G4)
65 Nancy Dussault - Cry Like the Wind (B3-E5)
64 Monty Python's Spamalot - Robin's Song (B3-D5)
63 - Mon Homme (B3-C5)
61 Michael Scott Lanning - Brother, My Brother (A2-D4)
60 Meaghan Martin - Too Cool (G3-E5)
59 Matilda: The Musical - Revolting Children (D#4-E5)
58 Marguerite - China Doll (B3-D5)
56 Lady Gaga - Hair Body Face (G3-D5)
55 Lady Be Good - Oh, Lady Be Good! (D4-E5)
54 Kiss Me Kate - Too Darn Hot! (B3-D5)
53 Kismet - Baubles, Bangles and Beads (D3-D#4)
51 Jordan Francis - Start the Party (E3-C#5)
50 Jeremy Schonfeld - Tuesday and Thursday (E3-G4)
49 Jennifer Holliday - Family (D4-E5)
48 Jekyll & Hyde - The World Has Gone Insane (C4-G5)
47 Janis Joplin - Summertime (E4-E5)
46 Hope - Sail Me There (A3-G5)
45 Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Wicked Little Town (D4-D5)
44 Hair - Three-Five-Zero-Zero (B3-G5)
43 Hair - Oh Great God of Power/ Manchester England (Reprise) (D4-E5)
42 Hair - I'm Black / Ain't Got No (B3-F#5)
41 Hair - Give Up All Desires (E4-E5)
40 Girls of Summer - The Girls of Summer (B3-E5)
39 Frozen: The Broadway Musical - Let It Go (Broadway Versoin) (E3-D5)
38 Frozen: The Broadway Musical - Let It Go (Broadway Version) (E3-D5)
37 Fannie Brice - Mon Homme (B3-C5)
36 Encanto - Surface Pressure (B2-D5)
35 Do Re Mi - Cry Like the Wind [Excerpt] (B3-B5 or Soprano Voice)
34 Descendants [2015] - Rotten to the Core (A3-B4)
33 Demi Lovato - Who Will I Be (D4-E5)
32 Death Takes A Holiday - I Thought That I Could Live (C4-F5)
31 Come from Away - Finale (A3-D5)
30 Come from Away - Blankets and Bedding (A3-D5)
29 Cats - Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats (G#3-B5)
28 Brooklyn: The Musical - Love Me Where I Live (G3-E5)
27 Be More Chill - The Squip Song (B3-E6)
26 Beetlejuice [Musical] - What I Know Now (A3-F5)
25 A Star Is Born [2018] - Black Eyes (B3-G5)
24 American River Suite - Half Moon (A3-Eb5)
23 Alice by Heart - Your Shell of Grief (E3-E5)
22 Aladdin: The Musical - One Jump Ahead (B2-A4)
21 Aladdin [2019] - One Jump Ahead (Reprise 2) (D3-C4)
20 Aladdin [2019] - One Jump Ahead (A2-F#4)
19 A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder - Sibella (B3-G5)
18 Wonderland - The Mad Hatter (Bb3-F5)
17 The Witches of Eastwick [Musical] - Evil (G3-E5)
16 The Bridges of Madison County (Musical) - Wondering (B3-G5)
15 Phantom: The American Musical - This Place Is Mine (B3-B5)
14 Lea Michele - Whispering (B3-A4)
13 Julie Andrews - My Favorite Things (B3-C5)
12 Heather Headley - The Past Is Another Land (A3-B4)
10 Al Jolson - California, Here I Come (E3-E4)
9 Robert Cuccioli - Confrontation (C4-G5)
8 Maury Yeston - Home (C3-A4)
7 Jekyll & Hyde - It's a Dangerous Game (B3-F5)
6 Bonnie & Clyde (Musical) - This World Will Remember Us (Bb3-A5)
5 Bob Cuccioli - Confrontation (C3-G4)
4 Beth Fowler - Patterns (B3-E5)
2 Sara Bareilles - I Didn't Plan It (E3-E5)
1 Frank Sinatra - Blue Skies (D3-D#4)