Top 55 alternative ccm songs in E Minor Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 55 alternative ccm songs in E Minor key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
53 Third Day - Run To You (D#3-G4)
50 Third Day - Make Your Move (D3-E4)
49 Tenth Avenue North - On and On (C1-E2)
47 Switchfoot - Only Hope (B2-G#4)
46 Superchick - We Live (G3-D5)
45 Starfield - My Generation (E3-B4)
44 Silage - Billboards (D3-E4)
43 Shawn McDonald - Time (D3-E4)
42 Shawn McDonald - Hallelujah (G2-G4)
41 Sanctus Real - Legacy (D3-D5)
40 P.O.D. - Rock the Party (Off the Hook) (A3-E4)
39 Plumb - I Can't Do This (B3-D5)
36 Paul Baloche - The Kingdom of God (D3-E4)
35 Paul Baloche - Look Upon the Lord (D3-D4)
34 Paul Baloche - All Because of the Cross (D3-E4)
33 Passion - God of Our Yesterdays (D4-E5)
32 Nichole Nordeman - Lay It Down (G3-A4)
30 Kutless - Push Me Away (D3-B4)
28 Kutless - If It Ends Today (F#3-C5)
27 Kutless - Hearts of the Innocent (C3-G4)
25 Kate Miner - Father God I Wonder (B3-C5)
24 Jeremy Camp - Move In Me (B2-E4)
23 Jars of Clay - Love Came Down at Christmas (D3-G4)
22 Hillsong - Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) (G3-D5)
21 Firefight - Unbreakable (D3-E4)
20 Desperation Band - On the Throne (B2-C4)
19 Desperation Band - Light Up the World (D3-A4)
18 dc Talk - Jesus Freak (A2-G4)
17 David Crowder - Lift Your Head, Weary Sinner (Chains) (E3-B4)
16 David Crowder - Come Alive (B2-G4)
15 David Crowder Band - What a Miracle (D3-G4)
14 David Crowder Band - Phos Hilaron (E3-C4)
13 Crowder - Lift Your Head, Weary Sinner (Chains) (E3-B4)
12 Crowder - Come Alive (B2-G4)
11 Chris Sligh - Loaded Gun (E3-B4)
10 Big Daddy Weave - Pharisee (E3-G4)
9 BarlowGirl - Here's My Life (A3-D5)
8 Third Day - Lift Up Your Face (D3-G4)
7 Tenth Avenue North - The Struggle (D3-B4)
6 Plumb - In My Arms (C4-D5)
5 David Crowder Band - All Around Me (E3-G4)
4 Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes (D3-F#4)
2 Casting Crowns - Blessed Redeemer (G3-B4)
1 Natalie Grant - Alive (G3-D5)