Top 77 post grunge songs in D Minor Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 post grunge songs in D Minor key, based on the votes of 53780 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 Three Days Grace - Let You Down (D3-D5)
74 Switchfoot - Dirty Second Hands (A2-G4)
73 staind - This Is It (D3-C5)
72 staind - The Way I Am (A2-A4)
71 staind - The Corner (G2-C5)
70 staind - Rainy Day Parade (F3-A4)
69 staind - Break Away (D3-G4)
67 Skillet - Never Surrender (C3-D5)
65 Shinedown - Sound of Madness (D3-C5)
63 Shinedown - For My Sake (D3-A#4)
61 Shinedown - Diamond Eyes (G2-A#4)
60 Shinedown - Cry for Help (C3-C5)
58 Seether - Six Gun Quota (F#3-A4)
57 Seether - No Jesus Christ (D3-A4)
56 Seether - Like Suicide (D3-F4)
53 Seether - Eyes of the Devil (C#3-A4)
52 Seether - Don't Believe (D3-A4)
51 Saving Abel - Addicted (C3-A4)
50 Puddle of Mudd - Control (C3-A4)
49 Pillar - Hypnotized (C3-A#4)
47 Nickelback - S.E.X. (C4-C5)
46 Nickelback - Just To Get High (A3-A4)
45 Nickelback - Gotta Get Me Some (D3-D5)
44 Nickelback - Fight for All the Wrong Reasons (F3-A4)
43 Nickelback - Bottoms Up (D3-C5)
42 Muse - The Handler (F3-D5)
41 Muse - City of Delusion (A2-A4)
40 Matchbox Twenty - You Won't Be Mine (G2-D4)
39 Linkin Park - Valentine's Day (C3-F4)
38 Linkin Park - The Catalyst (A3-A4)
37 Linkin Park - Hit the Floor (C4-D5)
36 Linkin Park - Fallout (D3-A3)
35 Limp Bizkit - N 2 Gether Now (C#3-F3)
33 Kutless - Shut Me Out (D2-A4)
32 Kutless - Million Dollar Man (A2-A4)
30 Foo Fighters - Weenie Beenie (C4-A#4)
29 Foo Fighters - Summer's End (A2-F#4)
28 Foo Fighters - Skin and Bones (C3-C4)
27 Foo Fighters - Exhausted (E3-D4)
26 Five For Fighting - Michael Jordan (A2-D5)
25 Finger Eleven - Complicated Questions (D3-A4)
24 Filter - Hey Man Nice Shot (D3-C5)
23 Evanescence - Your Star (G3-B5)
22 Evanescence - What You Want (C4-F5)
21 Evanescence - Missing (C#4-D5)
20 Deftones - My Own Summer (D3-E4)
19 David Cook - Permanent (F3-A#4)
18 David Cook - Declaration (D3-C5)
17 David Cook - Bar-Ba-Sol (D3-A4)
16 Daughtry - What I Want (D3-C5)
15 Daughtry - There and Back Again (D3-A#4)
14 Daughtry - Life After You (A#2-A#4)
12 Daughtry - Ghost of Me (D3-A#4)
10 Creed - Young Grow Old (F#3-A4)
7 Candlebox - Look What You've Done (D3-D5)
6 Candlebox - A Stone's Throw Away (G2-D5)
5 Breaking Benjamin - Unknown Soldier (D3-A#4)
4 Black Stone Cherry - White Trash Millionaire (F3-D5)
3 Alter Bridge - Rise Today (D3-C5)
2 Alter Bridge - Fallout (A#2-D5)
1 Breaking Benjamin - So Cold (A3-C5)