Top 55 tin pan alley songs in C Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 55 tin pan alley songs in C Major key, based on the votes of 53626 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
55 - Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay! (C4-G5)
54 - Yes Sir, That's My Baby (C4-C5)
53 - When You Kiss an Italian Girl (C4-D5)
52 - When I'm Alone I'm Lonesome (C#4-F5)
51 - When I Lost You (E4-F5)
50 - The Whistling Rag (C4-D5)
49 - Telling Lies (D#4-D5)
48 Sugar Babies - Warm and Willing (B3-E5)
47 Sugar Babies - Don't Blame Me (C4-D5)
46 - Stop, Stop, Stop (Come Over and Love Me Some) (B3-D5)
45 - Some Little Something About You (C4-D5)
44 - Save Your Sorrow (For Tomorrow) (C4-D5)
43 - Piano Man (D4-F5)
41 - Nagasaki (C4-E5)
40 - My Sweet Italian Man [I] (E4-E5)
39 - Molly, O! Oh, Molly! (B3-D5)
38 Mae West - A Guy What Takes His Time (G3-C5)
37 Jumping Jupiter - "Thank You, Kind Sir!" Said She (D3-E4)
36 Jolly Bachelors - Stop That Rag (Keep on Playing, Honey) (D#4-E5)
35 - I Wish That You Was My Gal, Molly (D4-D5)
33 International Revue Sugar Babies - Exactly Like You (C4-G5)
32 - Innocent Bessie Brown (E4-E5)
31 - I'm Sitting Pretty in a Pretty Little City (D4-E5)
30 - I Love You More Each Day (D4-D5)
29 - If All the Girls I Knew Were Like You (C4-F5)
28 - I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me (D4-E5)
27 - He's So Good to Me (E4-E5)
26 He Came from Milwaukee - Bring Back My Lena To Me (D3-E4)
25 Girl and and the Wizard - Oh How That German Could Love (D4-E5)
24 Gabby - I Beg Your Pardon, Dear Old Broadway (C#4-E5)
23 - Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue (C4-D5)
22 Finian's Rainbow - Something Sort of Grandish (A2-E4)
21 - Draggy Rag (C4-D5)
20 - Down Among the Sugar Cane (D#4-E5)
19 - Don't Leave Your Wife Alone (E4-E5)
18 - Dear Mayme, I Love You! (C#4-E5)
17 - Dat's-a My Gal (D4-D5)
16 - Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake (B3-D5)
15 - Chinatown, My Chinatown (C4-E5)
14 - Carolina In the Morning (B3-D5)
13 - Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon (D4-D5)
12 - Call Again! (D4-D5)
11 - At the Devil's Ball [III] (C#4-D5)
10 A Real Girl - When You're In Town (D#4-E5)
9 Al Jolson - Pretty Baby (B2-D4)
8 - 36 - 24 - 36 (C4-E5)
7 - My Gal Sal (E4-E5)
6 Finian's Rainbow - When I'm Not Near the Girl I Love (B2-D4)
5 Ethel Merman - Friendship (C4-F5)
4 Anything Goes - Buddie Beware (C4-E5)
3 - Alexander's Ragtime Band (C4-F5)
2 - Under the Anheuser Bush (D4-E5)
1 Al Jolson - Wedding Bells (Will You Ever Ring for Me?) (C3-D4)