Top 61 pop vocal songs in C Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 61 pop vocal songs in C Major key, based on the votes of 53631 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
61 Where Do We Go From Here? - If Love Remains (C3-E4)
60 Where Do We Go From Here? - All At Once (D3-E4)
59 The Tale of Peter Rabbit - That Kind of a Day (C2-C4)
58 The Firebrand of Florence - A Rhyme for Angela (C4-E5)
57 The Eternal Road - Song of Ruth (C3-E4)
56 - Sunday Morning (C4-G5)
55 - Something Wonderful Happens In Summer (A3-E5)
54 - Sleep Warm (C4-D5)
53 - Same Old Saturday Night (C4-D5)
52 Rex - Away From You (C3-E4)
51 Peter Cincotti - You Stepped Out of a Dream (C3-D4)
50 One Touch of Venus - My Week (C4-E5)
48 - Not As a Stranger (C4-D5)
47 Neil Diamond - You Don't Bring Me Flowers (G2-C4)
46 My Fair Lady - Without You (B3-Eb5)
45 My Fair Lady - Why Can't the English? (B3-D5)
42 Lost in the Stars - Thousands of Miles (A2-C4)
41 Lady In The Dark - Girl of the Moment (G3-E5)
40 Knickerbocker Holiday - The Scars (B3-A5)
39 Knickerbocker Holiday - How Can You Tell An American? (B3-Eb5)
38 Knickerbocker Holiday - Ballad of the Robbers (A3-E5)
37 Kiss of the Spider Woman - She's a Woman (C4-E5)
36 Josh Groban - Mi Morena (C3-A4)
35 - It's Nice To Go Trav'Ling (B3-Eb5)
34 It Happened in Brooklyn - I Believe (C3-E4)
33 - I'll Bring You a Rainbow (D4-E5)
32 - I Like the Pretty Boys (G3-G5)
31 Huckleberry Finn - This Time Next Year (B3-E5)
30 Gold Diggers of 1935 - Lullaby of Broadway (C4-D5)
29 Funny Girl - You Are Woman, I Am Man (A#3-E5)
28 Funny Girl - I'm the Greatest Star (G3-C5)
27 FIORELLO! - Where Do I Go From Here (C1-G3)
26 Fiddler on the Roof - When Messiah Comes (B3-Eb5)
25 Fantasticks - They Were You (B3-D5)
24 Fantasticks - Plant a Radish (C4-E5)
23 Fantasticks - I Can See It (B3-E5)
22 David Cameron Anderson - God Bless Fern Davidson (B2-E4)
21 - Bobby Sox To Stockings (B3-C5)
20 Bing Crosby - Silver on the Sage (C3-D4)
19 A Man of No Importance - Welcome To the World (C4-C5)
18 A Man of No Importance - Princess (C4-E5)
17 A Man of No Importance - Going Up! (D4-G5)
16 The Threepenny Opera - Pirate Jenny (B3-D5)
15 Shoestring Revue - Someone's Been Sending Me Flowers (C1-B3)
14 One Touch of Venus - That's Him (Bb3-E5)
13 Mahogonny - Alabama Song (D4-E5)
12 Joss Stone - Alfie (B3-E5)
11 Gigi - Paris Is Paris Again (B3-D5)
10 Gigi - I Remember It Well (C4-D5)
9 Fantasticks - Never Say No (C4-D5)
8 - Yours Is My Heart Alone (E4-G5)
7 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Gollum's Song (F#3-D5)
6 Street Scene - Lonely House (D3-G4)
5 - I'm Glad I'm Not Young Anymore (Cb4-D5)
4 Walter Huston - September Song (C3-E4)
3 Peter Cincotti - Ain't Misbehavin' (C3-D#4)
2 Evita - Another Suitcase in Another Hall (A3-E5)
1 Madonna - Don't Cry for Me Argentina (G3-C5)