Top 53 honky tonk country songs in C Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 53 honky tonk country songs in C Major key, based on the votes of 53646 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
53 Willie Nelson - Whiskey River (B2-E4)
52 Webb Pierce - There Stands the Glass (B2-G4)
51 Vince Gill - When Love Finds You (D3-D5)
50 Vince Gill - What the Cowgirls Do (G3-G4)
49 - Seven Nights to Rock (G4-E5)
47 Merle Haggard - Workin' Man Blues (C3-G4)
46 Loretta Lynn - World of Forgotten People (G3-A4)
45 Loretta Lynn - The Darkest Day (C4-E5)
44 Loretta Lynn - I'm Dynamite (B3-C5)
43 Loretta Lynn - Fist City (G3-C5)
42 Loretta Lynn - Dear Uncle Sam (C4-A4)
41 Lefty Frizzell - Saginaw, Michigan (B2-D4)
40 Lefty Frizzell - Mom and Dad's Waltz (G2-E4)
39 Lefty Frizzell - Honky-Tonk Stardust Cowboy (C3-E4)
38 Kitty Wells - It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels (C4-D5)
37 Johnny Paycheck - I'm the Only Hell My Mama Ever Raised (G2-G4)
36 Jerry Lee Lewis - What's Made Milwaukee Famous (B2-G4)
35 Jerry Lee Lewis - Rock and Roll (C3-E4)
34 Jerry Lee Lewis - Over the Rainbow (G2-D4)
33 Jerry Lee Lewis - One Has My Name, the Other Has My Heart (D3-C5)
32 Jerry Lee Lewis - I Saw Her Standing There (C3-C5)
31 Jeff Bridges - Somebody Else (D3-C4)
30 Hawkshaw Hawkins - Lonesome 7-7203 (B2-D4)
29 Hank Williams - You Win Again (A2-C4)
28 Hank Williams - There'll Be No Teardrops Tonight (B2-E4)
27 Hank Williams - The Alabama Waltz (C3-D4)
26 Hank Williams - Mother Is Gone (C3-C4)
24 Hank Williams - I Can't Get You Off of My Mind (G2-E4)
23 Hank Williams - Honky Tonk Blues (G2-C4)
22 Hank Williams - Hey, Good Lookin' (E3-D4)
21 Hank Williams - Baby, We're Really In Love (C3-E4)
20 Hank Williams - A House Without Love (C3-E4)
19 George Jones - She Thinks I Still Care (C3-F4)
18 George Jones - I Always Get Lucky with You (C3-E4)
17 Garth Brooks - Friends in Low Places (G2-A4)
16 Faron Young - If You Ain't Lovin' (You Ain't Livin') (D3-E4)
15 Ernest Tubb - Walking the Floor Over You (C3-F4)
14 Ernest Tubb - Rainbow At Midnight (C3-E4)
13 David Frizzell - I'm Gonna Hire a Wino To Decorate Our Home (E2-D#4)
12 - Cold Cold Heart (G3-B4)
11 Cal Smith - Country Bumpkin (B2-E4)
10 Buster Coward - Drifting Texas Sand (C3-D#4)
9 Buck Owens - I've Got a Tiger By the Tail (A2-D4)
8 Buck Owens - Hello Trouble (C3-E4)
7 Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee (Extended Mix) (A#2-C5)
6 Roger Miller - The Last Word In Lonesome Is Me (C3-A4)
5 Loretta Lynn - Coal Miner's Daughter (C4-A4)
4 Jerry Lee Lewis - Lewis Boogie (C3-C5)
3 Hank Williams - Your Cheatin' Heart (B2-D4)
2 Hank Williams - Long Gone Lonesome Blues (G2-F4)
1 Hank Williams - Jambalaya (On the Bayou) (C3-E4)