Top 46 french songs in C Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 46 french songs in C Major key, based on the votes of 53671 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
46 Zaz - Un àpres-midi à Paris (F3-D5)
45 Zaz - Paris sera toujours Paris (G3-A4)
44 Yves Montand - Le Gamin de Paris (D3-E4)
43 - Willingly (C4-G5)
42 - What Now My Love (F4-E5)
41 - Watch What Happens (D4-D5)
40 Tony Christie - Avenues and Alleyways (E3-G4)
39 - The Poor People of Paris (D4-G5)
38 - The Petite Waltz (B3-F5)
37 Stephane Grappelli - Au Revoir (J'Attendrai) (G3-E4)
35 Ratatouille - Le Festin (G3-E5)
34 - Pigalle (C4-E5)
33 Patrick Topaloff - Les Batignolles (A3-C5)
32 Moulin Rouge - Where Is Your Heart (C4-C5)
31 Mireille Mathieu - Pariser Tango (C4-C5)
30 Michel Legrand - Bilboquet (C3-E4)
29 Madeleine Peyroux - J'ai Deux Amours (G2-A3)
28 - Love Song (F3-A4)
27 - Le Rouge et Le Noir (Bb3-C5)
26 - Le Petit Renne Au Nez Rouge (D4-D5)
25 - La Petite Valse (B3-G5)
24 La Compagnie Créole - C'est Bon pour le Moral (G4-F5)
23 Joe Harris - Même sous la pluie (G#3-Bb4)
22 Jane Birkin - Je t'aime... moi non plus (G3-F4)
21 Jacques Brel - If We Only Have Love (C3-E4)
20 - If We Only Have Love (C4-E5)
19 Gerard Stern - Bassiste (A4-G5)
18 - En Écoutant Mon Coeur Chanter (G3-C5)
17 Edith Piaf - Un Grand Amour (D4-E5)
16 Edith Piaf - Un Étranger (B3-E5)
15 Edith Piaf - T'es L'Homme Qu'Il Me Faut (E4-D5)
14 Edith Piaf - Take Me To Your Heart Again (La Vie en rose) (B3-F5)
13 Edith Piaf - Salle D'Attente (E4-F5)
12 Edith Piaf - No Regrets (Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien) (C4-D5)
11 Edith Piaf - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien (G3-A4)
10 Edith Piaf - Mon Vieux Lucien (D4-Eb5)
9 Edith Piaf - Mon Manege a Moi (E4-F#5)
8 Edith Piaf - Milord (Ab3-C5)
7 Edith Piaf - L'Accordeoniste (B3-E5)
6 Edith Piaf - Dans Leur Baiser (C4-C5)
5 Certain General - Closer to the Sun (G2-A#3)
4 - 7 Mélodies, Op. 2: VI. Hébé (E4-D5)
2 Terry Jacks - Seasons in the Sun (Le Moribond) (D3-C4)
1 Charles Trenet - La Mer (Beyond The Sea) (G2-E4)