Top 77 classical songs in C Major Key for audition and karaoke
This is a song chart of the top 77 classical songs in C Major key, based on the votes of 54503 Singing Carrots users. We count a 'vote' when a user adds one of our 75,000 songs to their repertoire (favorites list). For each song, we show a vocal range (in parentheses). If you click on a song name, you will be able to see the song key, and a list of useful links to the karaoke version, music sheet, and lyrics. If you click on a singer's name, it will take you to the singer's page where you can see all songs by that singer, sorted by popularity and range.
Tip: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see #1 song
77 - Joy To the World (C4-C5)
76 Josh Groban - Silent Night (C3-A#4)
75 Josh Groban - Hidden Away (C3-A4)
74 Josh Groban - Happy In My Heartache (C3-G4)
73 Josh Groban - Granted (A2-B4)
72 - Je te veux (C4-G5)
71 Jackie Evancho - Some Enchanted Evening (C4-Eb5)
70 - I Love Thee (E4-F5)
69 Il Divo - All by Myself (Solo Otro Vez) (B2-G#4)
68 - Il barbiere di Siviglia: Act I - "Ecco, ridente in cielo" (F#4-B5 or Tenor Voice)
67 - I Hate Music! (C4-G5)
66 - Ich grolle nicht (C4-E5)
65 - Hurry (C4-Gb5)
64 H.M.S. Pinafore - We Sail the Ocean Blue (C4-A5)
63 Harry Thacker Burleigh - Deep River (G3-E5 or Bass Voice)
62 - Hark, All Ye Lovely Saints (G3-A4)
61 - Go 'Way from My Window (A3-E5)
60 - Gottes Macht Und Vorsehung (E4-G5)
58 GENTRI - Don't Let Go (C3-B4)
56 - Gentle Lena Clare (B3-E5)
55 - En Écoutant Mon Coeur Chanter (G3-C5)
54 - Elegy (from Sunless song cycle) (C#4-E5)
53 - Draw on, Sweet Night (G3-B4)
52 - Down Harley Street (C4-D5 or Low Voice)
51 - Don Giovanni, K. 527: Act II - "In quali eccessi ... Mi tradi quell'alma ingrata" (D4-Bb5 or Soprano Voice)
50 - Di Quella Pira [Excerpt] (G4-A5)
49 - Di quella pira (E4-A5)
48 - Di persona era tanto ben formata (A2-A3)
47 Die Fledermaus - Mein Herr Marquis (D3-D5)
46 - Die Ehre Gottes Aus Der Natur (C4-G5)
45 - Der Konig Aus Dem Morgenland (D4-F5)
44 - Crystal Silence (D4-A5)
43 - Civet à Toute Vitesse (B3-E5)
42 - Christopher Robin Is Saying His Prayers (C4-E5 or Alto Voice)
41 Cajsa-Stina Åkerström - Av Längtan Till Dig (E4-A5)
40 - Bridal Chorus (G4-A5)
39 - Bist du bei mir, BWV 508 (B3-F5)
38 Bill Douglas - Rise Up My Love, My Fair One (A3-G5)
37 - Big Wings (G3-E5)
36 - Bianca neve è il bel collo (E2-A3)
35 - Awake, Awake, Ye Sheep That Wander (G2-E4)
34 - Auf Dem See (B3-F5)
33 - Arm, Arm, Ye Brave (B2-E4 or Bass Voice)
32 A Quiet Place - Hey, Big Daddy (Junior's Aria) (C4-G5)
31 Andrea Bocelli - This Is the Only Time (G2-F4)
30 Andrea Bocelli - Meditation (G2-A4)
29 Andrea Bocelli - Mai Più Così Lontano (B2-A4)
28 Andrea Bocelli - Frondi Tenere... Ombra Mal Fu (C3-F4)
27 Andrea Bocelli - Amo soltanto te (C3-G4)
26 Andrea Bocelli - Ali di Libertà (G3-A5)
25 Amahl and the Night Visitors - All That Gold! (Bb3-G5)
24 - Almen se non poss'io (E4-A5)
22 - Ah! lève-toi soleil (F4-Bb5)
21 - Ah, che odor di buono (C4-F5)
20 - 7 Mélodies, Op. 2: VI. Hébé (E4-D5)
19 - 6 Gesänge, Op. 75: II. Neue Liebe, neues Leben (E4-A5)
17 - 12 Gedichte, Op. 35: X. Stille Tränen (G4-Bb5)
16 - Tu lo sai (A3-D5)
14 The Choirboys - Let There Be Peace on Earth (B2-F4)
13 The Choirboys - Ecce Homo (D3-G4)
12 Mannheim Steamroller - Traditions of Christmas (D4-G5)
11 - La Mamma Morta (C#4-B5)
10 Josh Groban - Higher Window (G2-A4)
9 H.M.S. Pinafore - I'm Called Little Buttercup (G3-D5)
8 - Gloria, No. 6: Domine Deus (F4-F5)
7 - Elijah: O Rest in the Lord (B3-D5)
6 Charlotte Church - La Pastorella (E4-C6)
5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Deh Vieni Non Tardar (A2-A4)
4 Orpheus and Eurydice - Che Farò Senza Euridice (B2-F4)
3 Josh Groban - You Raise Me Up (C3-G4)
1 Jackie Evancho - The Lord's Prayer (C4-G5)