Singing Guide: Westlife

Singing Guide: Westlife

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Westlife: How to Sing Like the Famous Boyband

Westlife became one of the most successful boybands in the late 90s and early 2000s, with their unique blend of pop ballads and upbeat songs. Their music is characterized by soaring harmonies, emotional lyrics, and polished production.

Learning to sing like Westlife takes time and practice, but by following some tips, you can improve your singing skills and give a great performance. Here are some steps to take:

  • Practice Vocal Exercises and Warm-Ups

To sing like Westlife, you need to warm up your voice using different exercises and techniques. The Farinelli breathing exercise from Singing Carrots is a great way to start your practice. The exercise will help you to control your breath and support singing long notes. You can also try humming techniques that they used in their songs.

  • Improve Your Breathing Technique

Proper breathing is essential for singing like Westlife. You can practice breathing exercises such as breath support and respiration to improve your breathing technique. This will help you to sing for longer durations without running out of breath, which is a crucial aspect of Westlife’s music.

  • Work on Your Vocal Range

Westlife’s music requires a good vocal range, and you should aim to hit both high and low notes with ease. Start by taking the Vocal range test to determine your vocal range and improve it with Pitch Training, which offers exercises designed to increase vocal range and agility.

  • Refine Your Diction and Pronunciation

The members of Westlife have excellent diction and pronunciation, which makes their lyrics clear and easy to understand. You can learn how to improve your articulation using the Finger bite exercise and read articles like Articulation.

  • Sing From the Diaphragm

Westlife’s sound relies heavily on singing from the diaphragm, which means using your stomach muscles to support your voice. You can learn about active and passive breathing and breath support techniques to help you sing from the diaphragm, which will give your voice more power and control.

Once you have honed your skills, it’s time to tackle Westlife’s unique vocal style. The band's music is characterized by emotional ballads with powerful harmony. An excellent example of their style is You Raise Me Up, which showcases their soaring harmonies and emotive lyrics.

Another song that demonstrates Westlife’s vocal technique is "Flying Without Wings," a beautiful ballad with a powerful crescendo that builds up to a stunning chorus.

In conclusion, singing like Westlife requires practice, patience, and determination. By following these steps and using Singing Carrots' resources, you can enhance your vocal skills to sing like the famous boy band.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.