Singing Guide: Trashmen

Singing Guide: Trashmen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like the Trashmen

Are you interested in learning how to sing like the Trashmen? This iconic American band is famous for its 1963 hit song “Surfin’ Bird,” which features a unique blend of surf rock and garage rock styles. To help you sing like the Trashmen, we have put together a guide that covers the band’s distinctive vocal technique, tips for learning their songs, and recommendations for relevant Singing Carrots resources.

The Trashmen's Distinctive Vocal Technique

The Trashmen’s unique vocal style, which can be described as a mix of screaming and growling, is one of the main features that sets them apart from other bands of their era. To achieve this sound, it is important to pay attention to your breathing. You should take deep breaths and push the air out forcefully when singing the louder parts of the song. Also, try to sing with your diaphragm and use your chest voice to create a more aggressive tone.

Tips for Learning Trashmen's Songs

To learn how to sing like the Trashmen, start by listening to their songs and paying attention to their vocal technique. Practice singing along and try to imitate their vocal style as closely as possible. Start with some of their most popular songs like “Surfin’ Bird” and “King of the Surf.”

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources for Trashmen's Vocal Style

To enhance your learning experience and develop your own vocal style like the Trashmen, Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources that you may find helpful. Here are some that we recommend:

  • Vocal Range Test: Determine your vocal range and see how it compares to famous singers. This tool can help you understand what type of songs suit your voice the best.
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor: See your sung notes on a virtual piano, and learn how to adjust them to match the melody.
  • Pitch Training: Exercise your vocal agility with interactive warm-ups and pitch visualizer.
  • Search Songs: Find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference. Use our search engine to find your favorite song.
  • Song-book: Create your performance set and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio. Start building your set with this tool.

We hope these resources will help you develop the necessary skills to sing like the Trashmen. Remember to practice regularly, and always pay attention to your technique so that you can achieve the unique vocal style of one of America's most iconic bands.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.