Singing Guide: The Last Married Couple In America

Singing Guide: The Last Married Couple In America

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you a fan of American comedic films from the 80s? If so, you might have heard of the movie, The Last Married Couple In America. Although the movie didn't receive as many accolades as some of the other movies from that time period, it was still a hilarious romp that tackled some relatable social issues.

While the movie wasn't a musical, many of the songs featured in the soundtrack were sung by Marilyn McCoo, who played the character of Mary. McCoo, once a vocalist in the globally renowned band The 5th Dimension, has a uniquely rich and powerful voice with a distinctive and recognizable timbre.

If you're an aspiring singer and want to learn how to sing like Marilyn McCoo, there are a few things you can do to hone your skills. But first, it's important to understand some of the fundamentals of singing:

  • Vocal range
  • Pitch and intonation
  • Breath control
  • Vibrato
  • Articulation
  • Resonance

Marilyn McCoo has a distinctive voice that stands out because of her range and clarity of tone. Her vocal range is wide, and she has the ability to sing from the very bottom of her range to the very top. Her pitch accuracy and intonation are also impeccable, as she hits every note with precision and clarity.

You can develop your own vocal range and pitch accuracy by using the resources available on Singing Carrots. Our vocal range test will help you determine the highest and lowest notes you can sing, and our pitch accuracy test will assess how close to the right notes you can sing on key. Additionally, our Pitch Training game will help you develop your pitch accuracy skills and improve your vocal agility.

Breath control is another important aspect of singing, and McCoo is known for her excellent breath support and phrasing. You can improve your breathing technique by checking out Singing Carrots' breathing exercise videos.

Vibrato is also an essential element of McCoo's singing style, and it's something you can develop with the right exercises. Check out the resources on vibrato exercise videos to learn how to explore different styles of vibrato.

Finally, McCoo's articulation and resonance are an essential part of her unique vocal style, and you can work on those through regular practice and exploration.

By learning from the fundamentals and practicing regularly with the resources offered on Singing Carrots, you can develop a rich and powerful voice like Marilyn McCoo. Add some practice songs featuring McCoo's music, such as "One Less Bell to Answer", "Never My Love", and "Wedding Bell Blues", and you will be able to showcase your newly acquired vocal skills in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.