Singing Guide: Tammy Cochran

Singing Guide: Tammy Cochran

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Tammy Cochran is a rare gem in the music industry. Known for her twang, heartfelt tone, and incredible range, she's a talented country singer that many aspire to be. 

In this article, we will explore Tammy Cochran's unique vocal technique, the songs that showcase it best, and provide practical advice on how to sing like her.

One of the most exceptional things about Tammy Cochran's voice is her twang. Twang is characterized by a bright and nasal tone that resonates in the mask of the face. It is a key country vocal technique that is useful in adding character and authenticity to a song. To achieve the beautiful twang in Tammy Cochran's voice, it is important to work on nasality. You can learn more about twang and how to practice it by checking out the How to Twang Exercise video provided by Singing Carrots.

Cochran's unique technique is also characterized by her vocal pitch accuracy. In addition, she has an ability to add a lot of emotion into her voice, which gives her songs an extra oomph and resonates with her listeners. To improve pitch accuracy and emotional performance, focus on the vocal warm-ups in our Pitch Training educational game offered by Singing Carrots.

Tammy Cochran's most famous and unique song is her hit "Angels in Waiting." It’s a heartfelt piece that she wrote for her brothers who passed away from cystic fibrosis. To perform this song like Cochran, you have to be able to deliver it with the right amount of twang and emotion. Try singing it with a bit of a nasal tone, taking deep breaths with your diaphragm to create a full sound. Working on breathing and incorporating the correct amount of emotion and twang into this song will help you improve like Tammy Cochran.

Another one of Tammy Cochran's best songs is "Life Happened." It is a song about the hardships of life and how we must move forward. To sing this song in Cochran's style, you need to work on proper articulation to ensure that every word is pronounced clearly. You will also need to work on your dynamics to really bring the emotion of the song out and make it resonate with the audience.

If you want to learn more about Tammy Cochran's singing techniques and style, Singing Carrots offers a wide range of articles and resources. For example, you can learn more about how to analyze your voice, why to open your mouth and throat while singing, breathing techniques, voice registers, avoiding constrictions, pop/jazz vs classical singing, singing with emotion, and much more. Each of these fundamental skills will help you learn how to sing like Tammy Cochran.

Finally, if you're serious about improving your singing and want the best education, then Singing Carrots’ educational singing course is perfect for you. It is a 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips that will take you all the way from beginner to pro. Make every note count with Singing Carrots.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.