Singing Guide: Sóley

Singing Guide: Sóley

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Sóley

Sóley is a talented Icelandic musician and composer known for her ethereal vocals and haunting melodies. She is known for her unique vocal technique that blends classical and contemporary styles.

Analyze Vocal Range

Start by taking our vocal range test to determine your vocal range and compare it with Sóley's. Her vocal range is unique and spans three octaves, so it might be a challenge to match her singing.

Practice Breathing Techniques

Sóley's vocals are often soft and delicate, so it's crucial to perfect your breathing technique to achieve that gentle tone. Work on your breath support to have control over your vocals.

Experiment with Chest Voice Register

Sóley uses her chest voice register extensively to create a fuller sound without straining her voice. Work on strengthening your chest voice, and practice hitting high notes in your chest register.

Explore Articulation

Articulation is a crucial element in Sóley's vocals, and a great place to start is to work on your open mouth & throat while singing. Improving your articulation can make a significant difference in the sound of your singing.

Warm-up Exercises

Take advantage of our vocal warm-up exercises to prepare your voice before practicing. You can also work on your vocal agility with our pitch training interactive game to hone your skills and improve your pitch recognition.

Vocal Health

Maintaining good vocal health is essential to develop your vocal technique and avoid damaging your voice. Check out our article on vocal health and healthy habits to learn more about taking care of your voice.

Learn Sóley's Songs

The best way to learn to sing like Sóley is to cover her songs. Here are some of her most popular tracks that showcase her unique vocal technique and style.

  • "Pretty Face"
  • "I Will Find You"
  • "Evol"
  • "Halloween"
  • "The Sun Is Going Down II"

Sing Your Own Authentic Version

Finally, it's essential to remember that finding your unique vocal style is the key to becoming a successful singer. Follow our article on finding your authentic voice to bring out the best in your voice, improve your confidence, and find your own unique singing style.


Singing like Sóley is an exciting and challenging journey, but with the right tools and techniques, you can master her unique vocal style. Incorporate Singing Carrots' resources and practice tips into your routine, and soon you'll be singing beautiful and haunting melodies like Sóley.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.