Singing Guide: Spectrum

Singing Guide: Spectrum

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Spectrum, born Joseph Adam Hernandez, is an American singer, rapper, and songwriter. With his unique blend of R&B, funk, and soul, he has rapidly become one of the most popular musicians of the modern era. In this article, we will examine Spectrum's signature vocal style and provide tips on how to sing like him.

One of the most distinctive aspects of Spectrum's singing is his use of vocal runs. These are quick, melodic phrases that move up and down the scales rapidly. To emulate this technique, try practicing your scales and arpeggios with a focus on speed and accuracy. Be sure to use the proper breathing techniques, such as active and passive breathing, and to relax your throat, jaw, and mouth.

Another key feature of Spectrum's style is his use of vibrato, particularly in sustained notes. Vibrato is a technique in which a singer alternates the pitch of a note rapidly, creating a wavering effect. To practice this technique, start with a note that is comfortable for you to hold and then gradually add a subtle, controlled vibrato. Be sure to listen to your tone and adjust the speed and intensity of the vibrato as necessary.

Spectrum is also known for his use of falsetto, a technique in which a male singer reaches high notes by artificially lengthening the vocal cords. To achieve a similar effect, focus on your head voice and try to keep the sound light and airy. Use a relaxed, open-mouthed position and gently push your voice higher. Experiment with different vowel sounds, such as "ah" or "ooh," and don't be afraid to take risks and try new things.

To truly master Spectrum's vocal style, it's important to have a strong foundation in singing theory and vocal techniques. Singing Carrots provides a comprehensive singing course covering theory and practical tips, as well as numerous resources to support your vocal training. Be sure to check out the range test, pitch test, and pitch monitor to help monitor your progress and improve your accuracy.

In addition, the site includes a wealth of articles and videos covering a wide range of topics related to singing. For example, the How to Analyze Your Voice article helps singers identify their strengths and weaknesses, while the Breathing Basics video teaches proper breathing techniques for singing. For more advanced techniques such as twang, belting, and vocal distortion, the Contemporary Vocal Techniques blog post is an excellent resource.

Finally, don't forget to practice regularly and keep your vocal health in check. Maintaining good vocal habits, such as resting your voice when it's tired and staying hydrated, can help prevent injury and ensure that your voice stays strong and resilient. With dedication and perseverance, you can learn how to sing like Spectrum and achieve your singing goals.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.