Singing Guide: Smash

Singing Guide: Smash

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Smash is a highly accomplished singer, whose unique vocal technique has captivated audiences for years. Her powerful vocals and dynamic range make her one of the most respected singers in the music industry. If you want to learn how to sing like Smash, there are a few key elements that you need to focus on.

First, it's important to understand Smash's vocal technique. She has an incredible ability to control her voice and sing with precision, which is why her performances are so impressive. To learn how to sing like Smash, you should focus on developing your breathing technique, as well as your control over pitch and tone.

One of the best ways to improve your breathing technique is by using Singing Carrots' breathing exercises. The Farinelli Breathing exercise is a great place to start. It teaches you to use your diaphragm effectively and to control your breath when singing.

When it comes to pitch and tone control, Singing Carrots' Pitch Training educational game is an excellent tool. The pitch visualizer shows you exactly where your pitch is in relation to the correct note, making it easy to adjust your voice to hit the right notes.

In addition to these basic skills, it's also important to study Smash's unique vocal style. She's known for her powerful belting technique, as well as her use of growling and other forms of vocal distortion. To learn how to sing like Smash, you should focus on developing a strong chest voice and practicing these advanced techniques.

Singing Carrots has several exercises that can help you build a stronger chest voice, including the Singing Comfort Zone exercise. This exercise is designed to help you expand your range and develop a stronger voice overall.

For those interested in learning more advanced vocal techniques, Singing Carrots' video exercises on Twang, Growling, and Vibrato are great resources. These videos teach you how to achieve these unique sounds in your own voice, just like Smash.

Finally, if you want to learn Smash's songs and showcase her unique style, Singing Carrots' search feature allows you to find songs that match your vocal range and difficulty level. You can also take the vocal range test to determine if you have a similar vocal range to Smash.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Smash requires a combination of basic vocal skills, advanced techniques, and careful study of her unique style. With the help of Singing Carrots' educational resources and dedication to practice, anyone can improve their singing abilities and emulate the impressive vocals of Smash.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.