Singing Guide: Skyhooks

Singing Guide: Skyhooks

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Skyhooks, there are a few key elements to their sound that you'll want to pay attention to. The first is their unique blend of punk and glam rock styles, which gives them a distinctive sound compared to other bands of the era. They also incorporate a lot of humor and tongue-in-cheek lyrics into their music, which makes their songs fun to sing along to.

One of the best ways to learn how to sing like Skyhooks is to start by listening to their songs and studying their vocal techniques. "Women in Uniform" is a great place to start, as it showcases the band's punk and glam rock influences while also highlighting the vocals.

Another important aspect of learning to sing like Skyhooks is developing your breath control and support. Singing requires a lot of breath control, and it's important to develop proper techniques to avoid damaging your voice. Singing Carrots' breath support and vocal warm-up exercises are great resources to help you improve your technique and build your stamina.

Another important element of Skyhooks' sound is their use of vocal harmonies. Learning how to harmonize and blend your voice with others is an important skill for any singer, and Singing Carrots' singing course covers this and more, including breath control, voice registers & vocal breaks, and resonance.

Finally, when learning to sing like Skyhooks, it's important to have fun with it! The band's sense of humor and irreverence make their music a joy to listen to and sing along with. So get creative and experiment with different techniques and styles, incorporating what you've learned from Singing Carrots' resources and making Skyhooks' unique sound your own.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.