Singing Guide: Shiloh

Singing Guide: Shiloh

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Shiloh and Improve Your Vocal Skills

Shiloh is a rising Canadian singer and songwriter known for her unique indie-pop style and emotive vocals. Her music features a wide range of notes and tones, which makes her an inspiring artist to learn from. If you're a singer aspiring to enhance your skills and gain insight into Shiloh’s vocal technique, this guide is for you! Let’s explore her vocal style and learn how to sing like Shiloh using Singing Carrots tools and resources.

Shiloh’s Vocal Style

Shiloh's vocal style is a blend of different genres, from indie-pop to R&B, with a touch of rock and alternative. Her emotive and soulful performances often showcase powerful belting, delicate falsetto, and impressive vocal range. Shiloh’s voice is known for its signature dark, husky, and raspy sound, which is achieved by using vocal fry and breathiness. Her technique involves excellent control over her breath, using it to convey emotions and dynamics in her singing. Lastly, Shiloh has excellent pitch accuracy and unique vibrato, making her a standout artist in the scene.

How to Sing Like Shiloh

To sing like Shiloh, you need to develop your support and breathing technique, increase your vocal range, and learn vibrato. It's crucial to pay attention to your posture and warming up your voice before starting to sing. Here are the steps you can take to learn how to sing like Shiloh:

  • Improve your breathing technique: Follow Singing Carrots' breathing exercises and learn how to control your breath to support your vocalizations.
  • Increase your vocal range: Take Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to determine your vocal range and learn how to expand it.
  • Learn vibrato: Check out Singing Carrots' video on how to create vibrato and practice it with Shiloh’s songs.
  • Practice belting: Shiloh often uses belting to add power and emotion to her performance. Take Singing Carrots' pitch training, and visualizer exercises to practice your belting.
  • Perfecting your breathy tone: Shiloh uses a breathy tone on her singing, to add emotion and texture to her voice. Practice that with Singing Carrots ressources on active and passive breathing, vocal registers, vocal distortion(& growling).
  • Study Shiloh’s songs: Selected Shiloh’s songs with challenging vocal patterns and practice them with Singing Carrots’ vocal pitch monitor to improve your pitch accuracy.


Learning to sing like Shiloh takes dedication and practice. Her unique vocal style and emotive performances make her an inspiring artist to learn from. By using the Singing Carrots tools and resources, you can develop your breathing technique, increase your vocal range, and learn vibrato to sing like Shiloh. Remember to practice, to study her songs, and improve your pitch accuracy, and don’t forget to check out Singing Carrots’ vocal training, and educational courses to enhance your vocal skills further.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.