Singing Guide: Sevendust

Singing Guide: Sevendust

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning how to sing like Sevendust's Lajon Witherspoon can be an exciting challenge for metal and rock enthusiasts. Witherspoon has a unique vocal style that blends melodic singing and aggressive screaming effortlessly. His approach to singing is heavily influenced by gospel, R&B, and metal genres, giving him a wide range that stands out in the metal scene.

One of the most notable aspects of Witherspoon's singing is his use of vibrato, which he employs throughout his vocal range to add emotion and texture to his singing. To achieve a vibrato like Witherspoon's, you can practice controlled breathing exercises like the ones showcased in Singing Carrots' Farinelli Breathing exercise.

Another important feature of Witherspoon's singing style is his use of chest voice. He combines low, rumbling chest tones with soft, breathy passages for a unique vocal sound. Singing Carrots' Chest Voice Explained exercise provides a fantastic warm-up to help you develop your chest voice.

Witherspoon's dynamic range is another important aspect of his singing. He alternates between smooth, melodic singing and powerful, guttural screams throughout his songs. To master this versatility, strong breath support is required. Start by learning the basics of breath support with our Breath Support article.

It's important to note that Witherspoon uses his voice extensively in a high energy, live concert environment. To make sure you’re ready for your live shows, read our Vocal Health article to learn how to care for and protect your voice.

Lastly, if you're looking to learn some Sevendust songs that will highlight Witherspoon's unique vocal style, consider Angel's Son, Praise, Bitch, Enemy, and Love, which showcase his smooth melodic singing and aggressive screaming.

To learn more about singing techniques, improve your vocal range, and find songs that fit your vocal performance goals, take advantage of Singing Carrots' Pitch Training, Vocal range test, Pitch accuracy test, Vocal Pitch Monitor, Song search, Artist vocal ranges, and Singing course. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.