Singing Guide: Sade

Singing Guide: Sade

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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How to Sing Like Sade: Exploring Smooth Jazz Style

If you love soulful jazz music, you probably have heard the mellifluous voice of Sade Adu. The Nigerian-British singer-songwriter rose to fame in the 1980s with her unique jazz-inspired sound and became a cultural icon that still continues to inspire many singers today. Singing like Sade is a dream for many aspiring musicians. In this article, we'll explore Sade's distinctive vocal technique and suggest a few songs to help you capture her style, along with practical tips and relevant Singing Carrots resources.

Vocal Technique

  • Breath Support: Control your breath flow while singing. Sade's long phrases and subtle notes require good breath management, and sustained notes are one of her signature styles.
  • Resonance: Practice creating rich and full sounds by placing your larynx and vocal cords in specific positions to amplify your voice.
  • Voice registers: Explore your middle and lower register to better execute Sade's signature smooth transitions and velvety tone.
  • Open Mouth and Throat: Practice opening your mouth and throat to enunciate lyrics with clarity. This will help you achieve Sade's warm-toned and resonant sound.

Suggested Songs

  • "Smooth Operator" - Sade's most recognizable hit from the 1984 album "Diamond Life." The sultry sound of her voice provides the perfect demonstration of her jazzy style and breathy vocals.
  • "No Ordinary Love" - From the 1992 album "Love Deluxe," this romantic ballad demonstrates Sade's impressive vocal range and beautiful control of her vocal breaks.
  • "Kiss of Life" - An upbeat track from the 1992 album "Love Deluxe." This song features Sade's signature vocal style: full of passion and sensitivity.

Practical Tips

  • Warm-up before you start singing with interactive vocal warmups to prepare your voice for singing.
  • It's crucial to practice scales to warm up your voice.
  • Identify your range by taking the vocal range test and work on songs that fall within that range.
  • Enunciate your words by practicing mouth and tongue exercises.
  • Record your voice or use the vocal pitch monitor to gauge your progress.
  • Finally, make sure to have clean, clear, and fluid breath work to achieve her sustained notes. Practice breath exercises through interactive resources like the breathing exercises in vocal range test.

Singing Carrots Framework

Singing Carrots offers a range of resources that can help you:

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.