Singing Guide: Reef

Singing Guide: Reef

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like a Pro with REEF

Reef is an English singer and songwriter known for his powerful and soulful voice. He was the lead singer of the rock band Reef, and later pursued a solo career. In this article, we'll tell you how to learn singing like Reef.

Reef's Unique Vocal Technique

Reef has a powerful and soulful voice, with a rich timbre that resonates with his listeners. He sings with a lot of passion and energy, but also shows great control and phrasing. Reef's unique vocal technique is characterized by the following:

  • Breathing: Reef uses deep breathing techniques to support his powerful voice. He inhales deeply and exhales slowly, using his diaphragm to control the air flow.
  • Vibrato: Reef has a natural vibrato in his voice, which adds depth and texture to his singing. He uses this technique to create a dynamic and expressive sound.
  • Range: Reef has an impressive vocal range, with the ability to sing both high and low notes with ease. He uses this to create powerful and emotive performances.

Learning to Sing like Reef

To learn how to sing like Reef, you'll need to focus on several key areas:


Breathing is the foundation of good singing technique, and Reef is no exception. Start by mastering the "Farinelli breathing" exercise, which will help you to control your diaphragm and develop deep breathing skills.

Next, practice the "breath support" technique, which involves controlling the flow of air through your vocal cords. This will help you to produce a powerful and sustained sound like Reef's.


To develop a natural vibrato like Reef, practice the "Diaphragm Bounce" exercise. This will help you to control your breath and produce a smooth, sustained sound. You can also practice singing along to Reef's songs, paying attention to the way he uses vibrato to add emotion and texture to his vocals.


To improve your vocal range, practice the "Singing Comfort Zone" exercise. This involves practicing scales and arpeggios to expand your range and develop control over your voice. You can also practice singing along to Reef's songs, paying attention to the way he uses his range to create powerful and emotive performances.

Reef's Signature Songs

To really capture the essence of Reef's vocal style, it's important to focus on his signature songs. These include "Yer Old", "Consideration", and "Naked". They showcase Reef's unique vocal technique and emotive style, and are a great starting point for learning to sing like Reef.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources to help you learn singing like Reef, including:


Reef is an exceptional singer with a unique vocal style and emotive energy. By practicing his breathing, vibrato, and range techniques, and focusing on his signature songs, you can learn to sing like Reef. Use Singing Carrots resources to help you improve your vocal skills and develop your own personal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.