Singing Guide: Re-Flex

Singing Guide: Re-Flex

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Re-Flex was a British new wave band that gained popularity in the 1980s. The band's lead singer, John Baxter, had a distinctive singing style that incorporated electronic effects and a strong emphasis on enunciation.

To learn to sing like John Baxter, your best starting point is to familiarize yourself with his unique vocal style. Listen closely to Re-Flex's music and focus on Baxter's use of vocal effects, such as echo and reverb. Pay attention to how he emphasizes certain words or syllables and how he uses pauses for dramatic effect.

One of Re-Flex's most well-known songs is "The Politics of Dancing." When practicing this song, focus on mirroring Baxter's vocal style and incorporating his vocal effects. Another song to study is "Hitline," which showcases Baxter's ability to deliver quick, rhythmic lyrics with precision.

Re-Flex's music also incorporates many electronic elements. To truly capture their sound, you will want to experiment with synthesizers and electronic music production techniques.

In addition to practical exercises, Singing Carrots offers many resources to help you improve your singing skills. For example, the Vocal Pitch Monitor can help you develop accuracy and precision when singing. The Pitch Training program provides interactive exercises for building pitch, range, and agility. You can also use the Songbook feature to find songs that suit your vocal range and preferences.

Other useful Singing Carrots resources include articles on breathing, vocal registers, and singing with emotion. Videos on posture and vocal warm-ups can also be helpful. Remember to take care of your voice and make good vocal health a priority.

By studying Re-Flex's music and practicing with Singing Carrots resources, you can learn to sing like John Baxter and develop a distinct vocal style of your own.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.