Singing Guide: R.E.M.

Singing Guide: R.E.M.

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

R.E.M. and Michael Stipe’s Unique Vocal Style

Vocal Technique

Stipe's singing style is sometimes described as mumbly or indistinct, but a closer listen reveals a unique approach to singing that makes his voice instantly recognizable. Here are some techniques that you can use to learn how to sing like Michael Stipe:

  • Embrace imperfection: Stipe's singing is characterized by occasional mumbling, slurring, and flat notes. Rather than trying to sing perfectly, embrace imperfection and aim for a more natural, conversational tone.
  • Play with dynamics: Stipe is also known for his use of dynamics to add emotion and emphasis to his singing. Experiment with singing softer and louder in different parts of the song to add more depth to your performance.
  • Focus on phrasing: Stipe's phrasing often features unexpected pauses and stops. Practice singing along to R.E.M. songs and pay attention to how Stipe phrases lines differently than you might expect.
  • Use breathy vocals: Stipe often employs a breathy, airy vocal style to great effect. Experiment with adding breathiness to your singing to achieve a similar effect.

Songs to Learn

Here are some of Michael Stipe's most famous songs and how they showcase his unique vocal techniques:

  • Losing My Religion: Stipe's breathy vocals and conversational tone perfectly suit this song's intimate subject matter. He plays with dynamics to great effect, adding emphasis where it's needed most.
  • Everybody Hurts: This ballad really showcases Stipe's use of phrasing, as he draws out some words while cutting others short for maximum effect. His use of dynamics in the chorus is also noteworthy.
  • What's The Frequency, Kenneth?: This up-tempo song is a great showcase for Stipe's use of breathy vocals. He also playfully employs a bit of a gravelly tone in the chorus.
  • Stand: On this upbeat track, Stipe's natural, conversational vocal tone is in full effect. He also plays with dynamics throughout the song and employs a great deal of breathiness.

Singing Carrots Resources

To further improve your singing in the style of Michael Stipe, make use of Singing Carrots resources. Try the vocal range test to determine where your voice falls in comparison to Stipe's. Practice pitch accuracy with the pitching test. You can also use the singing search to find songs that fit within your vocal range, or take the 21-lesson educational singing course to improve your overall skills.


Michael Stipe's unique vocal style made him one of the most recognizable and influential singers of the past few decades, and with a bit of practice, you can learn to sing like him too. Remember to embrace imperfection, play with dynamics, focus on phrasing, and use breathy vocals. With these techniques in mind, practice singing along with some of R.E.M.'s most famous songs and utilize Singing Carrots resources to improve your skills even further.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.