Singing Guide: Puff Daddy

Singing Guide: Puff Daddy

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Puff Daddy, also known as P. Diddy, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and producer. He is known for his unique vocal style that combines singing and rapping. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Puff Daddy.

Vocal Technique

Puff Daddy's vocal technique is characterized by his use of melodic raps and smooth singing. He often uses a breathy, relaxed tone that gives his vocals a laid-back feel. Singing like Puff Daddy requires mastering the balance between his rapping and singing style.

Puff Daddy's Songs

To understand Puff Daddy's unique vocal technique, it's essential to analyze his notable songs. Some of his well-known and popular songs are "I'll be Missing You," "Mo Money Mo Problems," and "Can't Nobody Hold Me Down." In these songs, Puff Daddy mixes rapping and singing and delivers smooth and catchy melodies.

Practical Advice

Learning to sing like Puff Daddy requires practice and dedication. Here are some practical tips for improving your singing skills:

  1. Start with a vocal range test to determine your vocal range and abilities.
  2. Warm up your voice before singing or rapping.
  3. Practice singing along with Puff Daddy's songs and focus on mastering his vocal techniques.
  4. Pay close attention to your breathing, as breath control is crucial for Puff Daddy's vocal style.
  5. Use the pitch accuracy test and the vocal pitch monitor to improve your pitch accuracy.
  6. Study relevant articles on Singing Carrots, such as "Breath Support" and "How to Learn a Song Effectively."
  7. Consider taking Singing Carrots' educational singing course for beginners.
  8. Experiment with vocal techniques that Puff Daddy uses in his songs, such as melodic raps and breathy vocals.
  9. Remember to take care of your voice by drinking plenty of water, avoiding smoking, and avoiding foods that can irritate your throat.


By following these tips and utilizing Singing Carrots' resources, you can learn to sing like Puff Daddy and master his unique vocal techniques.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.