Singing Guide: Paul Baloche

Singing Guide: Paul Baloche

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Paul Baloche: Sing like the Master

Vocal Technique

Paul’s vocal techniques are unique and inspiring. He is known for his clear vocals that deliver insights into his faith through his music. What stands out the most is his beautiful use of melody. He is a master of adding melodic lines that uplift the song without distracting from the lyrics. To add his signature singing style to your vocals, focus on the following:

  • Vibrato and breath control. Paul’s voice is centered on precise placement, which comes from a controlled breath and the right use of vibrato. To practice these techniques, refer to the "Singing with Vibrato".
  • Dynamics. Paul’s vocals range from soft, breathy tones to strong, powerful and dynamic sounds. This flexibility adds beauty and interest to his singing. Learn more about dynamics in "Vocal Health."
  • Diction. Paul’s voice provides space for clear diction, making sure that his listeners can understand his lyrics. Great diction starts with warm-up exercises, as discussed in "Articulation."
  • Emotional Intensity. Paul’s music always evokes powerful emotions from his listeners. To achieve this, practice singing with emotion, as discussed in "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking."


Adding Paul Baloche’s music to your singing lessons helps you perfect his unique style. Some of his most popular songs include:

  • Open the Eyes of My Heart
  • Above All
  • Our God Saves
  • Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)
  • Your Name

Practical Advice

To perfect Paul’s unique style in your singing, use these practical tips:

By incorporating the singing techniques of Paul Baloche to your singing practices and by using the resources from Singing Carrots, you're sure to become a skilled and inspired vocalist!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.