Singing Guide: Parachute

Singing Guide: Parachute

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Parachute is an American pop-rock band known for their anthemic choruses and passionate vocals. Charlie Puth cited them as one of his early inspirations and the band is praised for their impeccable harmonies. If you want to learn to sing like Parachute, you need to start with the basics. One of the key elements of Parachute's music is vocal control and technique. To make your singing more powerful and emotive like the band's, you need to master the following elements:

  • Breathing: Proper breathing is the foundation of singing. Check out the Breathing basics article to improve your breath control.
  • Pitch: John Mayer, one of the band's inspirations, has praised their perfect pitch. To improve your pitch accuracy, use the Pitch accuracy test and the Vocal Pitch Monitor available on Singing Carrots.
  • Range: Parachute's lead singer, Will Anderson, frequently spans a wide vocal range in his performances. To discover your own vocal range, try the Vocal range test.
  • Vibrato: Vibrato adds depth to your singing and is commonly used by Parachute. You can learn how to create vibrato in the Singing with Vibrato article.
  • Warm-ups: Warm-up exercises like the one provided for free by Singing Carrots "3 Minute Warm Up" can help prepare your voice for a performance.

Once you have mastered these basics, you can start to work on Parachute's unique vocal techniques:

  • Harmonies: Parachute has some of the best vocal harmonies in pop-rock music. Their ability to seamlessly blend their voices is a result of years of practice. You can learn how to sing harmonies in the Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article.
  • Emotion: Another key element in Parachute's singing is their heartfelt emotion. Learn how to convey emotions through your singing in the Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article.
  • Articulation: Parachute's songs have a clear and crisp delivery, thanks to their excellent articulation. You can learn how to enunciate better in the Articulation article.
  • Chest Voice: Parachute frequently employs the chest voice technique in their songs. Chest Voice Explained gives a brief explanation of the technique.
  • Onsets-offsets: If you want to sing like Will Anderson, you need to master several singing techniques, such as the glottal onset technique, which he frequently employs to transition between notes, in the Glottal Onset video.
  • Stage presence: Parachute is known for their high-energy performances. Learn how to get comfortable on stage in the Tips for performing on stage article.

Moreover, here are some of Parachute's high-energy pop-rock songs where you can listen to and showcase the techniques learned above:

  • She (For Liz): This fun and playful song features Anderson's impressive vocal control, his comfortable high notes, and his energetic rhythm. It's a great song to work on your chest voice and harmonies.
  • You and Me: This emotional and heartfelt song is a perfect example of the band's ability to convey complex emotions through their singing. Pay attention to the song's smooth transitions and harmonies.
  • Smoke Without Fire: This infectious song is one of Parachute's most popular.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.