Singing Guide: Oasis

Singing Guide: Oasis

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Oasis is considered one of the most successful British rock bands, thanks to their raw rock sound and memorable tracks. Learning to sing like the lead vocallist, Liam Gallagher, can be a challenge given his unique vocal style. Here are some tips to learn how to sing like him and incorporate some of his vocal techniques.

1. Learn Liam Gallagher's Vocal Style and Techniques

Liam Gallagher's voice can be characterized by his gritty and powerful tone, often bordering on shouting. He typically uses a combination of chest voice and falsetto, along with a unique delivery that includes elongating syllables and an unapologetic swagger. You can learn more about his unique vocal style and techniques here on the Singing Carrots website.

2. Practice Singing Some of Oasis's Songs:

To learn how to sing like Liam Gallagher, listen carefully to some of Oasis's most famous songs, such as "Wonderwall," "Champagne Supernova," and "Don't Look Back in Anger." These tracks will give you a good idea of his vocal style and delivery.

3. Take Advantage of Singing Carrots Resources:

Singing Carrots offers a wealth of resources to help you improve your singing. Check out some of these resources to help you learn how to sing like Liam Gallagher:

  • Take the Vocal range test to determine your range and compare it to Liam Gallagher's range.
  • Use the Artist Vocal Ranges tool to learn more about Liam Gallagher's vocal range and compare it to other famous singers.
  • Practice your pitch accuracy with the Pitch Accuracy Test.
  • Use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to monitor your pitch and make sure you're hitting the right notes.
  • Check out the Pitch Training resources to improve your pitch and overall vocal ability.
  • Use the Song Search tool to find songs that fit your vocal range and style.
  • Enroll in the Singing Carrots singing course to learn more about singing theory and practical tips for improving your singing.


Learning to sing like Liam Gallagher takes time and practice, but it can be done with a little patience and the right guidance. By checking out some of his most famous tracks and utilizing resources like Singing Carrots, you can develop your own unique vocal style while also clearly hearing some of Gallagher's influence in an enjoyable process.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.